Chapter Nineteen

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this chapter contains the following; mentions of self harm, mentions of suicide, throw-up/sickness, mentions of anxiety, and i think that's all.

Play the song while reading

Once Mattheo successfully pulled her down from the ledge, I ran up to her and pulled her in for a hug.

She sobbed completely raw tears into my chest as I held her. At that moment, there was nobody in the tower but me and her.

In reality, everyone was watching us and I didn't care. I just wanted her to be okay. I knew I couldn't hold her forever, so I pulled away and lifted her face up to look at me.

"Mione, everything is gonna be okay. I promise," I wiped the tears off her cheeks and kissed her forehead softly.

"I love you," I whispered into her ear as I hugged her once again, quicker this time.

When I pulled away, I mouthed the words 'take her to her room' to Harry Potter. He nodded and pulled her away and out of the astronomy tower.

Luna and Lola were being calmed down by Blaise and Enzo, and the four of them soon walked out the tower leaving Mattheo and I all alone.

I took a deep shaky breath and quickly pulled Theo into my embrace, holding onto him as tight as possible.

The love I feel for this boy is unreal, and I couldn't imagine anything happening to him. The thought of death encapsulating his body breaks my heart into pieces.

I wanted to stay in this moment, this hug, forever.

But I can't.

He tried to pull away but I wouldn't let him. We both needed this. We both needed to hold each other for a while.

It grounds me to know he's okay, so I know what I have to do. Although it may not change anything, it can make his day better.

A non-sexual yet intimate night is something that can make anybody feel wanted. I know he's fine right now, but after the things he told Hermione, I can't be sure.

I squeeze him even tighter before he mumbles into my neck, "Are you okay, Darling?"

"Yeah," I speak with a soft tremble in my voice.

He doesn't say anything back but I knew he was getting tired of hugging me, so I finally let him go.

He looked into my eyes with a slightly saddened face, noticing the few tears on my cheeks. He wiped them away and rested his hands on my face, drawing soft circles with his thumbs.
We finally arrived in his room, only to see everything everywhere.

"Why does your room look like this?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

It was just clean before I left.

"I couldn't find my wand,"

"Why would you need your wand, Theo?"

"I was going to Imperio that mudblood and throw her onto the floor of the tower,"

I closed my eyes in frustration with what he just said and pulled my wand out of my pocket.

I did a quick flick and watched his room get cleaned in a matter of seconds.

Mattheo sat on the bad as I began to start a bath, getting everything prepared for us.

Yes, Us. Together.

I would make it a shower but he's too tall for me to wash his hair and stuff like that. So a bath will do, plus it's more relaxing and romantic in a way.

Against It All ~ Mattheo Riddle x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now