Chapter Three

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this chapter contains the following: abuse, body image issues, and manipulation.


Everyone who was in the halls rushed to the bathroom from the sound of my yelling. Draco and I are found fighting, but Y/N unconscious on the floor is what most focused on. Blaise pulls me off of Draco with the help of six other Slytherins. As I am pulled up, I spit on Draco's blackened face.

"Go cry to your father, I bet he would love to hear you got your arse beat," I say through my clenched jaw.

Professor Snape walks in and looks at what has been done. He then states in his monotone voice, "Someone get Mrs. Pomfrey to help Miss Esmeray. Everyone else go back to class. Draco and Enzo stay in opposite corners until Dumbledore comes."

Snape then kneels down to check her pulse, concern growing on his face. "I'm guessing one of you did it, so I would confess. Now."

"Professor, I found her like this," Draco says in a hurry. Obviously lying.

"What do you have to say, Enzo?" Snape asks.

I speak in pants in between each breath, "Professor, I found Draco sitting next to her. While I may not have seen any action, I know it was him."

Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey walk in at the same time, gasping at y/n's almost lifeless body. Looking at her so defenseless, so purple, brings me to shambles. How can I save her from her life, Merlin? Madam Pomfrey safely lifts up y/n and walks out, leaving me, Draco, Snape, Dumbledore together.

"Draco, honesty is the best way to handle this. Did you do this to y/n? If you admit to doing so, consequences will be less severe," Dumbledore calmly states.

"I didn't fucking touch her," Draco yells.

That unbelievable git.


As I woke in the infirmary, I looked around to see Enzo sleeping in the chair next to me. He looked so peaceful. A sudden wave of guilt washed over me as I saw his bruised knuckles, remembering everything that had happened. I left him be for a while and just lay in bed, thinking about everything.

"Hey, y/n, you're awake," Enzo said in a croaky voice which pulled me out of my train of thought and flung me back to reality. He sat up quickly to check on me.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked with concern.

"Don't worry about me, how are you?" He replied.

I love how he was always more concerned with me than himself. I nodded in response to his question as he slumped himself back into the chair with a sigh.

"I hate him. I hate him so much y/n you don't understand. He deserves Azkaban for treating you like he does. Don't worry, he's with Dumbledore now and I'm sure they are discussing his punishment. His father showed up earlier to try to buy him out of it" He said to me. All I could think about in that moment was what my parents would say. I'm sure they must've informed them of what had happened but I was really, really hoping they hadn't. I started to tear up at the thought of them shouting at me. The words "lying bitch." echoing in my brain.

Enzo noticed that I was crying and automatically took me into his embrace.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He questioned.

"My- My parents. Do they know? Did Dumbledore tell them?" I was a blubbering mess struggling to get the words out. I couldn't afford to disappoint them any more than I already have.

"No shh don't worry. I insisted that you wouldn't want them to know. It's okay, calm down" he said as he comforted me by stroking my hair.

"How long have I been in here for?" I ask after a few moments of silence.

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