Chapter Twenty Two

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At Hogwarts


Once Mattheo and I finally get back into Hogwarts, we both decided to part ways for the day. It was his idea to give each other some space for a little while, but it's me who really needs it.

I feel like I'm being suffocated when I'm with him for too long. I love him, of course, but I feel like I'm physically attached to him. And not only that but it's mentally exhausting.

I finally got into my room and saw Hermione and Pansy sleeping. As much as I wanted them to sleep in, I didn't wanna walk to class by myself, so I woke them up.


After the both of them got dressed, I came out of the closet in my uniform. As soon as I walked out, both Hermione and Pansy bursted into laughter as they saw how my uniform fit me.

The lower buttons on my shirt were all opened, and my belly button was peeking through it. My skirt was unzipped since my stomach didn't fit inside of it. I was slightly annoyed but still laughed it off.

I knew that I would grow and be big, but I didn't know that she would grow this much. I walk back in the closet and change into some comfy clothes. I usually love dressing up and wearing my uniform but I guess the pregnancy is the reason why everything feels uncomfortable.

Once I finish getting "dressed", Hermione goes on and asks me, "Why are you so big if you're only 14 weeks or so?"

I forgot to tell them about the whole spell thing. "Well, I'm actually 21 weeks but the baby did some type of magic thing. That's why I was so small." I say to Hermione. She looks amused for some reason but I had the same reaction.

I lifted my shirt for them to see my baby bump, even though you can see it through the shirt I'm wearing.


The three of us walked towards the Headmasters office but I asked them to walk to class without me. Once they turned the corner of the corridor, I walked into Dumbledore's office. Not only was Snape in there with the Headmaster but so was McGonagall and the Malfoy's. It was kind of humiliating to walk in a room full of adults while being a pregnant teen.

"Uhm, Good morning Headmaster... I'm sorry for interrupting but I will be on my way as soon as you answer my question-" I was cut off by Lucius.

"Hurry on, child. We are clearly in the middle of something." He says to me with pure disgust.

"So, my uniform doesn't fit me anymore. I don't mind wearing a new size but I would much rather wear my own clothes. I'm gonna be growing a lot and the uniforms are pointless but-" I was cut off again, by Dumbledore.

"Yes, whatever you want, please hurry and get to class." The tall man looked down on me, waving me to the door.

I just nodded and quickly walked out. I started making my way to class when all of a sudden, I felt my stomach start to have butterflies. I brushed it off because I usually feel these butterflies at night but it's unusual for me to feel them right now.

I finally reach my class and once I open the door, all eyes shoot to my stomach, back to my face, and then back to my stomach. It was the most awkward thing to ever happen. Pansy and Mione both had this weird look on their faces. Kinda like disappointment but I wasn't too sure.

Before I could fully step into the classroom, the teacher began to speak. "So the rumors are true..." Flitwick says to me.

"Go sit next to Mr. Malfoy." The short man said to me. I tried to argue with him about sitting next to Draco but he wouldn't let me speak.

Against It All ~ Mattheo Riddle x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now