Chapter Two

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this chapter contains the following: abuse, mature language, manipulation , and suicidal thoughts.



As I walk into Kings Cross, I can feel a wave of relief wash over me, cleansing my aura. It's another year I don't have to spend with my shitty excuse of parents. Another 195 days of freedom.

I feel my mother's hand on my shoulder as she bends down to tell me "Don't mess up and embarrass us, Y/n." I turned around and looked at the tall, slim woman before quietly groaning and walking away. I knew that wasn't very bad, but I simply could not put up with my parents for a second longer.

As I'm walking towards the entrance to Platform 9 ¾, I see Pansy Parkinson, my best friend since first year, struggling to keep all of her belongings on her cart. She noticed my presence once I let out a small giggle at her disorganisation.

She shouts, "Y/N, INSTEAD OF LAUGHING, COME HELP ME!" Classic. I've missed her so much this summer.

Father had me cooped up inside all summer because he didn't want any "bad press". My family is among the richest of the rich.

As I grew up, I constantly heard about how I would one day be doing the same thing as my parents, how my life is already planned out for me and that I am to follow the rules like the good, little girl I am. However, that 'good, little girl' disappeared 3 years ago when that awful monster--

No. Don't think about him. 

I concentrated back on reality as Pansy shouted my name again. I swiftly scuttled over to help her. She always brought at least 4 trunks worth of weekend clothes for each term, which I always thought was over the top, but she always described it as her 'prerogative' and how it was a necessity. As we collected all of her belongings, we walked towards the train. It was early and therefore we had plenty of time to find a decent compartment.

As we were getting on the train, we handed the majority of our luggage to a man who used magic to transport it to Hogwarts. We carried the rest onto the train and headed for the Slytherin compartment. We got there before the rest of our friends which resulted in me and Pansy talking and gossiping for 10 minutes.

"Did you hear about Astoria Greengrass getting 'work done'?" she asked me.

"No way! Who knew she was getting some?"

We were giggling uncontrollably until we heard a low cough. I turn my head around and see him standing there leaning against the door.


I had heard what she was talking about before I informed her of my presence. It didn't particularly bother me that she was talking about Astoria, because what she was saying was true. I would know.

"Hello," I said to her. She was beaming when she saw me and I just smirked back.

Y/n has been dating me since the beginning of fifth year. Little does poor, innocent Esmeray know I have never felt anything real for her.

A year later and I'm still stuck with her. To be completely honest, she isn't the thing that's important to me, it's her title that I want.

She stands up from her seat to hug me and I hug her back out of instinct. What I really wanted to do was push her for thinking she could touch me.

"I missed you!" She said happily while looking up at me.

"Yeah, I missed you too.." I responded. Absolutely clueless.

Against It All ~ Mattheo Riddle x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now