Chapter Twenty Six

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I woke up hearing Pansy, Blaise, Hermione, Luna, and Enzo laughing. When I turned to the window, the sky was black with shimmering stars and moonlight showing. I checked the clock and the time read '8:13'. I slept the day away but I won't complain. The throbbing headache went away, and I think everyone else's did too.

As I sat up, Enzo turned his head to kiss my cheek softly. I was still in a bit of a daze when someone set a plate of food on my lap and without question, I began to eat. I could feel myself falling asleep, my head dropping a bit, but I was brought back when everyone started laughing.

"Y/n, you okay?" Blaise snorted, causing everyone to laugh even more.

"Yes, just a tired bit-" I say while peering up at him with my eyes half closed.

"Just a tired bit? That makes no sense." Enzo mocked me. They knew what I meant. I rolled my eyes as a response and continued to eat, almost fully awake this time.

After I finished, I took a few sips of water and stood up. I was a bit dizzy, but that went away after a few seconds. Yawn. Stretch. Step. I walked over to the bassinet in the corner of the room, wanting to hold and feed Aurora.

When I picked her up, an awful smell filled my senses.

"Luna, her diaper is spoiled. When was she last changed, this stinks horribly." I speak with a raspy voice. I don't feel as tired since Aurora's disgusting diaper woke me up, but my back hurts a little.

"I just changed her no more than thirty minutes ago." Enzo speaks loudly from across the room. She must have an upset stomach or something. Maybe not.

I gathered wipes and a diaper, and walked over to Enzo's bed, taking a seat in the middle, and laying Aurora down.

Once I finished changing her, I was brought a warm bottle by Blaise. I didn't know he could make a bottle.

"Since when did you learn how to make a bottle, Blaise?"

"Luna taught me like an hour ago." He replied to my question, seeming so full of himself. It was quite funny.

"Merlin, I know I just had her but I want another baby, but not actually mine. When are you all gonna have some babies?" I ask all my friends.

"Well we can't have kids and we haven't talked about it yet, so I have no idea." Pansy says, referring to herself and Hermione. Fair enough.

"Believe me, I'm trying but it's impossible." Blaise says while looking at Luna and then back to me.

"I'm on the pill, and I want to at least finish school before I have a baby." Luna says with no expression, and that's actually smart. I should've had a mindset like her but I didn't and I'm a bit glad for that. I needed Aurora.

"I'm waiting for you." Enzo says confidently. Boldly.

"I don't know.. Maybe in five to ten years I– we can have one."

"I don't think I can wait that long." He says with furrowed brows.

I roll my eyes in annoyance with a smile on my face. We aren't even together, and he wants me to have his kids. I am unable to process the fact that we may end up together in the near future. We may have a kid together, even though he treats Aurora like his, it's not exactly the same. It's all shocking.

I hope I end up with him.

I was taken from my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door. I heard a familiar voice on the other side as Hermione opened the door and talked to the girl behind it.

"Y/n, it's for you." Hermione squealed as she shut the door slightly. I stood up, handed Aurora to Enzo, and began walking to the door. When I stepped into the hall, I saw Alice, very nervous and apologetic.

Against It All ~ Mattheo Riddle x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now