Chapter 13: When Danger Finally Approaches...Run!

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Peyton's POV

The weeks had past slowly and winter was now hitting hard as snow fell to the ground. Everyone was going crazy after a few months of staying in the house together. We all occupied the living room Liam was sitting on the floor staring at the ground, I crawled off of the couch and into his lap. He smiled down at me and started playing with my extremely long hair as lay across his legs. I looked around the room to see everyone staring around or cuddling with each other for heat. Niall sat on the couch holding little Aubrey in his hands with Adri curled up into his side, even though they still weren't dating.

"I'm hungry." Zayn groaned everyone looked at him and rolled their eyes.

"Go eat then." I said pointing towards the kitchen.

"I'm to lazy.." He replied as he rolled off his chair and onto the floor. As he stood up there was a loud noise at the front door, everyone went deathly quite. I stood up and ignored Liam's little whimper. I tip-toed to the door and peaked out through the wooden planks that boarded it up. I froze at what I saw, One walker stood at the door attempting to get in ,but a few miles out across the farm and at the beginning of the woods I could see the hundreds of walkers stumbling towards us.

" Babe?" Liam called behind me.

"Get all our stuff together...We have to go." Everyone froze for what seemed like eternity.

"NOW!" I yelled Everyone shot up and ran in every direction and within 5 minutes we were all back downstairs. Liam came behind me and looked out the window before letting a bad words escape his lips. Everyone looked outside and sighed.

"Do we have everything?" I asked shakily.

"Yupp!" Adriann said popping the 'p'

"On three we bust open the door, I will kill the walker and we get the heck out of here!" I said

"Wait!" Liam said as he buckled a baby carrier around his stomach and Niall slipped Aubrey's sleeping body into it, she stirred a little bit ,but fell back asleep.

"3...2...1" I shouted as I threw myself at the door it flew open and I quickly killed the walker, sending it's dead corpse to drop dramatically to the ground, it's neck making a quick crack. We all ran to the vehicles, Liam quickly handed the baby to Codi as they hopped in the van and Liam and I on the motorcycle. We flew down the driveway as the zombies all turned to us. Liam drove quickly taking random roads with Louis's van close behind. We drove forever until we ended up in a small town, Liam parked to cycle by an old abandoned looking building and we waited for everyone else as Louis pulled over by us.

"That was a close call!" Zayn said as he jumped out of the van.

"I'm gonna miss that place..." Christina sighed as she stood by the van. We all looked around for a minute.

"Well let's check this place out." Adriann said as she pulled her gun out and nodded at the building.

"Okay!" I said as I walked up to the big door. I slowly opened the door and stepped inside, as I turned around to give them a sign that it was safe the door swung shut with a click. I walked over to it and pulled at the handle.

"Guys open the door!?" I yelled as I looked around the old creepy mansion type place.

"It won't open!" I heard Louis' muffled voice reply. A cold air wrapped around me and my panic settled in.

"Open it!" I yelled as I hit the door and jingled the knob. "Come on!" I gave the knob another jerk and I heard a snap as it fell off the door. I froze in terror...I was stuck in this creepy place!

"Liam! Get me out!" I screamed through the door. Everyone started talking at once and I couldn't make any of the words out, then I heard a noise behind me, it sounded like talking.

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