Chapter 16: When Tradegy Hits

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**Cassie yo'! So, before you start reading I'm going to warn you. There. Is. Intimacy. Not very descriptive, but it's there. So don't be like 'EW THEY WRITE THAT STUFF' No, that's not at all what it was like... Please take note that as I wrote this chapter I had to look up 'smut' because I didn't know ANYTHING about this crap.. It was torture for me to write, and trust me, if it didn't advance the plotline IT WOULD NOT HAPPEN. But hey, things like this happen in life, even during an apocalypse?

Again WARNING: Although at a bare minimum, the content in this chapter is intimate. Please do not be offended, or think we like this kind of stuff. We hate it. I hate it. With. a . passion.

Thank you for all of your support on both accounts, and keep on reading!(:

With love, -Cassie**

Christina's P.O.V.

 "I'm freezing my arse off!" I could hear Adriann complain from afar. She's speaking for all of us when she is complaining about being cold, we all are.

The gang was scattered all throughout our little camp sight, trying to find somethings to help us out. Louis and Codi were looking for wood to start a fire, but it's winter. There ain't gonna be anything they could find, and even if they found some, it wouldn't last long in this weather! Adriann was walking around the little wood we had found, checking for any local zombies. Every once in a while you could hear her rifle, and then her chanting, "Goot iit!"

Everyone else, not including those two twins, were sitting by the frozen pond thing. Liam and Niall were talking to themselves, and Harry and Zayn were with the baby. God, could it be any colder? I thought rubbing my arms. Peyton came over to me, followed by Avery.

"So, you and Hazz huh?" Peyton nudged my side.


"Oh come on! We all know what you got goin' on!" Avery teased. "You and Harry are totally a thing!"

"Um, no.. I mean, I'm not sure what's going on between us..." I said dully.

We sat talking about what we could do to camp out in this harsh winter. I felt eyes on me the whole time, but it wasn't anyone next to me. Where's that new girl, I thought. I had talked to her a few times before. She was so shy, sort of like Codi, but quieter. When she spoke, you could hear the hurt in her voice. It was easy to tell she was scared about this whole thing... The apocalypse.

"I'm so scared.." I remember her telling me. "Me and Phil were being tortured in that building with Kirsten.." Poor thing.

I looked around, but I didn't see her anywhere. "Hey, Adriann!" I ran over to Adri, who was still circling the camp site. "Where's that girl?"

"Madison? Last time I saw her she was in the tent over there.."

"Thanks." I snuck my way over to the tent, and peeked inside. I was shocked to see Phil holding a knife. Not just holding it, like, caressing it almost. I stepped to the side and listened carefully, making sure I was not seen or heard by them. Adriann looked over. I waved her off, signalling I would let her know what was going on.

I heard Phil speak slowly. "We'll get em. We'll get em' good!"

"Quiet down! Theyre going to hear us!" Madison let out a chuckle, and pulled her long ginger colored hair out of her pony tail. "They think were innocent!"

I shuttered back. What was going on?

"Just give me a couple of days, and we'll dominate. WE will own them, and they will be the ones listening to us!" Phil sounded power hungry.. "For Kirsten?"

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