Chapter 5: New Found Noobs..

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Peyton POV

The walkers were closing in around us blocking both paths out of here.I looked around and spotted the perfect solution.A fire escape on the building next to Wal-Mart.I jumped up as high as I could and grabbed the first rung of the ladder.I used all my upper body strength to pull myself up and started climbing uo to saftey. "Come on get your butts moving I yelled. Everyone pulled there selves up as I stood on the platform.Christina was the last one to start climbing up as she did the ladder made a creaking sound.Before anyone could do anything the ladder snapped and Chris fell down with it as she hit the ground her leg made a non-healthy noise.

"Christina!" Harry screamed and almost threw himself off of the platform.

"Harry don't!" She yelled sitting up as the zombies crowded closer to her.

"Liam grab my feet!" Harry yelled Liam did as he said and Harry lowered himself off the platform.

"Christina grab my hands.....Arggggh im not tall enough!" I yelled angrily.I grabbed Liams feet and lowered him down.

"I got her hand" Harry yelled. Everyone helped me try to pull them up

"BLOODY HELL GET OFF MY FREAKING ANKLE YOU SON OF A DEAD BITCH!" I heard Christina yell before I heard her gun go off.With one last pull everyone was on the platform. We kept climbing until we got to the roof.

"God this don't tickle!" Christina yelled sitting on the floor and looking at her leg. There was blood all over her pants. I walked over and examined her leg.

"Hey Liam will you hand me the medical kit?" I asked. Liam grabbed the kit and handed it to me.I looked over at Harry, he was staring at Chris as she lay on the cold roof with her eyes close.She was taking deep breaths to forget the pain. I took my knife and cut a hole in Christinas pant leg were she was bleeding.I examined the gash in her leg, it didn't look to bad.I wrapped a bandage around it and stepped back and examined my work it was pretty good.I looked around as my eyes adjusted to the darkness.I could see Codi and Louis sitting side by side whispering to each other, and there was Adri and Niall giggling in the background,I smiled when I saw Chris and Harry laying beside each other looking at the stars.I walked over to Liam and Zayn and sat down by Liam.You could almost think that everything was actually normal until you looked down and saw all the walkers. I suddenly realized how tired I was when I looked around and saw everyone resting.

"You okay?" Liam asked

"I guess..." I said with a shrug

"I know how you feel"


"So what about your family?"

"We have them barricaded pretty good in a small store at the edge of town."

"I look a little tired." Liam said looking at me worried

"More like majorly." I said dully.Liam turned and grabbed a bag from behind him and pulled out a large sweat shirt.

"Here it's cold out take this." Liam handed me the sweatshirt.I great-fully slipped it on and laid on the cold ground.It may have been cold and uncomfortable but I quickly fell asleep.


I opened my eyes and looked around. Liam was sleeping right beside me...actually kinda close...I sat up and saw Adriann sitting at the edge of the roof with her feet hanging off the side.I got up and sat beside her.We sat there for awhile just looking at the walkers wondering around the ally.After a while a yell for help pierced the silence that I was tyring to enjoy...WHAT NOW! Everyone bolted up and looked around a walked to the other side of the roof and looked down to see two girls cornered by a like 3 walkers.I spotted the fire escape that we had not used and climbed down ignoring everyone on the roof.When I got closer to the ground the girls spotted me.

"Stop yelling you will attract more!" I half whispered half shouted. I jumped down and snuck up behind the zombies.One turned around but before it could give me away I pulled out my knife and stuck it in it's stupid head,the other two turned around only for there heads to end up rolling down the side walk.

"Come on!" I said to the girls we climbed up the fire escape and met everyone up there.

"So what are your names?" Adriann asked

"I'm Avery." The dark haired girl said "and thats "Aubrey!" she pointed to the blonde girl.I senced something was wrong from the way the blond was acting.

"What's wrong with her!" I asked Avery.She didn't anwser but looked at the ground.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH HER!?" I yelled.the girl mumbled something that I didn't understand.I gave her a look and she spoke up.

Everyone dropped their heads when the girl spoke.Tears formed in Codi's eyes,Chris walked away, and Adriann shook her head. Nobody wanted to hear those words "She was bit..."

Lesson of the day: Saving everyone might just be impossible.

Hope you all liked!!!!!!!!

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