Meeting with People!

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Unknown P.O.V.

She was beautiful. Like a Milotic using Aqua Ring. Like a Roserade dancing in its own Petal Dance. Her blonde hair waving at me. Her dress flawlessly blowing with the wind. She was perfect. I could even her my dad's voice. "Steven your 24 years old! Find your girl son! I won't be around for a long time!" I loved my dad. But I had never met anyone that I was attracted to. I was a champion, philanthropist, and hier to Devon Corporation. Yet I hadn't found a girlfriend. I knew she was the one. We had met in the Champion conferences and I showed her my rocks one time but that was it. Even her name excited me... Cynthia.

Cynthia P.O.V.

"Oh Cynthia! Your 23 years old! Go find a man! Don't end up like me and your grandfather!" Grandma was nice and joyous. But she could be a little pushy. She believed that every woman had to have a man in her life. As a femenist I strongly oppose that. Why can't women be independent? Sure men are cute but we can't let them take us over! Besides I've never met a guy that I genuenly liked that was intelligent, kind or strong! Well.. there was... him. But he was just a collegue. Nothing more. We'd been to couple of diners and he even showed me his cool rock collection. He smart and sweet... Uhh! Listen to me I can't stop thinking about that... Steven..

Testostorone 1 Estrogen 0

Drew P.O.V.

I love mornings. The fresh smell of the cool brisk air. The dark cloudless sky. It's beautiful. But like life it will eventually come to an end.

I walk around the pier for some quality time with my egg. I really like this egg. I don't know why. The pier is silent and the only noise I can hear is from the waves crashing on the pavement. I keep walking until I get bored. But how do you get bored in the morning?

"Hey you!" I stop as soon as I hear a guy's voice from behind me.

"Hey c-can you help me? My friend sh-sh-she was attacked by a Gyrados! Pl-please!" He was obviously in shock.

"Uhh yeah! Where?" He ran toward the city outskirts by some river. I immediately saw a girl lying on the sand. I checked her pulse. She was alive.

"...Lucas..." She was showing signs of near death. Lucas kneeled beside her and started crying. He held her hand tight not wanting to let go.

"Please don't go P! Please!" She wasn't showing any good signs. All I did was stand there. I could only watch as this stranger held on to the last of his friends life.

"Lucas.... I'm fine.." She coughed and opened her eyes. "Lucas are you crying?" She was half conscious. Lucas' face grew red as he wiped his tears on his sleeve.

"No. Come on lets go to the hotel. I'll help you." Lucas was eager to get her to the hotel. The girl looked at me and started talking.

"Who are you?" I instantly replied. "My name's Drew. I'm a coordinator from the Hoenn region. Your friend here asked for help but he handled it all on his own." I don't know why but I winked at Lucas and he winked back. They were about to walk away when we heard a screech from the water.

"Gyyrraa! Gyyrr! Gyyrrraaddoss!" It was a huge Gyrados that immediately used Hyper Beam. We quickly scrambled across the bank of the river but were pushed back anyway by the beam.

"P are you ok?" Lucas was immediately concerned about his friends saftey. He reached in his bag and pulled out two Pokeballs.

"Go! Infernape! You too Garchomp!" His Pokemon came out of their Pokeballs and awaited their trainers command.

"Infernape use Focus Punch! Garchomp make sure Gyrados doesn't hit Infernape!" He tended to his friend while his Pokemon did as they were told. I held on to my dear egg.

The Gyrados retreated to the river floor in defeat. The girl was wide awake now and stood up. She patted her clothes and hair as Lucas watched. She looked at him then smiled.

"Oh! Lucas thanks for saving me. I don't know what I would do without you with me." She stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. He blushed at the sudden affection.

"It was nothing. My Pokemon were great like always." He returned his Pokemon to their Pokeballs.

"Sorry we haven't formerly met. My name is Platinum Berlitz, I am currently traveling with my bodyguard here, Lucas." She was very formal. "I recognize you from television. Your Drew the coordinator from LaRousse. Your very talented for a fellow sixteen year old if I do say so myself."

Flattered I replied. "Thank you Lady Berlitz." She nodded and looked to Lucas and touched his hand.

"Lucas introduce yourself!" She was very stern.

"Oh yeah sorry, My name is Lucas and I'm her bodyguard." He was her bodyguard?

"Aren't you a little young to be her bodyguard?" He was surprised.

"No I'm sixteen and I can take care of her!" He seemed offended.

"Sorry he has a temper issue, well I hope I will see you in the contest in Canalave! Good luck and goodbye!" They ran into town and I was left alone on the river bank.

Cynthia P.O.V.

I sit down on the white sandy beach of Canalave City. The sun is coming out and starting to brighten up the sky. I want to just let all of my problems go. Leave the League and find a quiet place to stay. Maybe Unova. I lay my head in the sand and hear a familiar voice. "Don't mess up your beautiful hair up Cynthia!" He was playfully teasing me. But I didn't mind. He was so..... perfect.

Steven P.O.V.

I look at her and tease. She was beautiful.

"Oh Steven stop!" She gets up and wipes the sand off of her coat.

"What are you doing here in the Sinnoh region?" She said as she continued to take the sand off.

"Do I need a reason?" I looked at her. "I'm just staying for vacation. Wallace is taking over while I'm gone."

"Well I guess we should catch up then." We walk over to a Restaurant near the pier and catch up.

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