Iron Friendship and Heated Battles!

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I explained to May what I wanted to do and she agreed though there were some awkward holes in our conversation.

We walked to the dock and got in my boat. I flaunted my expensive equipment in May's face by using the auto cruise feature on my boat's gps. We then set sail for Iron Island.

"So about yestardy..." She started to bring up the whole thing and I wasn't in the mood to ruin our peaceful cruise on the water. "May... I don't wanna talk about it. What I did... what I did didnt mean anything alright? I think we should just forget about it and be friends. Ok?" I stared at the blue sky above me to escape ther gaze. But her eyes bared the same color. What kind of coward am I? I won't even look at the girl I love while I reject any affection she had for me... I decided to stop and look at her.

She had tears in her eyes. Big watery tears. I could tell I hit a soft spot. Was this what Solidad was talking about? Was I harsh? Was I not being gentle? Her lips quived as she turned to face the direction we were headed. Her fists tightened and I could tell her jaw tighted.

"May I-" "Your right! We should just be friends." She turned to look at me and smiled. "Is that fine?"

"I- yeah that's fine..." I said with great disturbance.

"So Drew, why Iron Island?" She said with sudden interest. She looked normal.

"Um.. Iron.. is.. uh.. good.." I couldn't believe that I was stuttering in front of May! I was always intelligent and jerky in front of May but I guess her reaction to my Fuck off speech got to me.

"Iron Island is said to be vast in space and composed of tempered steel and iron. Making it an ideal place for trainers and coordinators." I did it, finally.

"Great!" May grew excited as we aproached land.

"So tell me what kind of Pokemon does a fifteen year old coordinator have?" I never found out what Pokemon she had for Sinnoh.

"Well I have Blaziken and Beautifly still. But I raised a Salamence and Kirlia during and after my last contests in Hoenn. Solidad gave me a Lapras egg by the way." She seemed proud, I liked it.

"What about you?" Proud May asked.

"Well I hatched a Togepi egg and still have Flygon and Roserade. Oh, and Robert gave me a Feebas egg! Look at us, two egg raising rivals... heehe.." Facepalm. We reach the island and we stare at the glimmer.

"Land Ho!" I bellow as we jump off my boat.

Iron Island looked exactly as I had pictured it. A big mountainous island with a silver gleam. I could see some Skarmory fly across the island as I walked on the shore.

"Look right there that's a good place!" May pointed to an areana like spot on the side of the mountain. It was going to take some flying to reach though.

"Yeah ok! Let's go!" I get Flygon's Pokeball and May reaches for Salamence's Pokeball.

"Go Salamence! Fly to that spot over there!" May called out.

"Salaaaa!" Salamence nodded and took off.

"Flygon follow Salamence!" Flygon came out of his Pokeball and followed.

We landed smoothly on the flat mountain side. An idea brewed inside my head. We could battle with our Dragon Types!

"May let's battle! Flygon vs. Salamence!" I'm very competitive. To the point where if I don't win I feel like dying. I take all battles seriously!

"Alright Drew! I'll warn you though! Salamence is really strong he took on Nando's Swalot in one turn." She tried to brag, but she was obviously nervous.

"Ok whatever!  Let's battle!" I took a graceful stance and started. "Flygon kick up a Sandstorm!" Flygon whipped both his tail and wings to create a vicious sandstorm. "Now use Rock-Tomb on Salamence!" Flygon flew up in the air and created huge boulders and launched them in Salamence's direction.

"Not so fast! Salamence use Twister!" A gust of blue wind made the sandstorm and rocks spin violently around Flygon. "Now! Salamence use Dragonbreath on the twister!" The powerful multicolored got caught in the twister and hit Flygon.

"Ahhh! Flygon hang in there! Two can play at this game! Flygon use Twister to launch the storm into Salamence!" I gracefully executed my counter move.

"Ha! So this is what we're doing? Salamence use a stronger Twister to couter the storm!" We were playing air hockey... hit the the attack until one of us was hit, it wasn't going to be me!

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