A Mega Evolution Suprise!

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Unknown P.O.V.

A magnificent sight! Two trainers battling until one emerged the victor. I missed challenges. But looking at the battle ignited the lingering flame within me. I had to see more! I craved more! The action was... raging I needed to see. But from what I WAS seeing the twister these two trainers were creating was dangerous, yet I couldn't interfere with this battle! This battle was different! After all it was... nothing like a battle at the Pokemon League!

Drew P.O.V.

"Flygon use Twister again!" I was going to create a ticking time bomb!

"Salamence, Twister!" May wasn't backing down! "Fly into the twister and use Overheat!" As Salamence used the fire attack it clashed with the lingering Dragonbreath and Rock-Tomb to create small explosions every passing moment.

"It's time to finish this! Flygon fly into it and use twister! Let it boost you into the air!" Flygon created a blue gust of wind and was pushed into the air. "Now dive into Salamence and use Thunder Sandstorm!" Flygon swooped down and used thunder to make the sand and debris move with Flygon and hit Salamence.

"Salaaa!" May's Salamence fell to the ground and fainted and apparently so did the twister. "Ha loser!" I puffed up my chest in victory.

"Bravo! Such a heated battle! You two! So strong, so passionate!" An woman jumped from her perch and landed with her Garchomp.

"Uh, and you are?" I rudely asked.

"Oh, sorry. Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Cynthia." My jaw dropped!

"Cynthia the Sinnoh League Champion?!" Cynthia was so... pretty yet powerful...

"I was training here when I saw the powerful twister from afar. When I got a good view of the twister I saw you two battling exceptionally well!" She took a break from speaking.

"I try me best." I take a bow and rise to see a pretty face glaring at me.

"Follow me I want to show you two an even better training spot." Cynthia walked away as we followed her. We entered the heart of the island that was caves filled with Aron and Onix. I read in a book that Onix and Aron's final evolutions could evolve further. So could other Pokemon. It was called Mega Evolution.

"Time for a Pokemon lesson, ok? Do you know what these are?" She pulled out a small colorful orb encased in her hair ribbon, it was a keystone.

"Yeah, that's a keystone it's used to help Pokemon holding a Mega Stone mega evolve." May stood there nodding to every word I said.

"Correct, are you aware that Gardevoir and Gallade can Mega evolve?" She waited for her answer.

"Yes, if they're holding a Gardevorite and Galladite. So can your Garchmop." I was showing off my knowledge.

"Correct and Correct! May I see your Kirlia?" Cynthia asked politely.

"Uhhh..." I remembered why I didn't want to send out Kirlia.

"Uhhh.. Kirlia is umm..." I started to say.

"What's wrong with Kirlia, Drew?" May had a smirk on her face, Arceus! Was the smirk always that annoying?

"Umm nothing! Come on out... Kirla." I threw the Pokeball and the green Pokemon materialized in front of me. It twirled around elegantly then stared at me.

"Hmmph! Go Kirlia!" May sent out her Kirlia which immediately looked at my Kirlia.

They both glared at each other until May's Kirlia gave up and hid behind her. It was scared and I don't blame him that Kirlia looked like it would hurt someone. At sure enough it charged at Cynthia and attempted to hit her with a Shadow Ball. But her Garchomp swiftly protected Cynthia by taking the hit. I barely left a scratch on Garchomp.

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