4 - snowing

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so turns out I did have enough time so heres another chapter.


- 6:30 Am -

You woke up bright and early to go to school, you didnt want to go but it wasn't a choice.

Arriving at school the kids started looking at you weirdly, but you ignored it and went straight to

In reading class, your seat was
all the way in the back with
the werid kids of the school.

- after class -

After reading class, you went
to your locker and got out your
supplies for math.

Math was the worst subject,
Annoying kids, bad teacher,
and just math itself.

when arriving at math, you
were the last one to arrive

At least they didn't start
teaching yet, you then head
to your seat. The teacher
hated you so you hated that

There wasn't a reason
the teacher hated you
they just did.

Math class was short that
day so then you went to
lunch, you didnt really have

At lunch you texted
wilbur, but he was busy
and wasnt replying so
you just ate your food and
waited for lunch to be over with.

After lunch you went to P.E,
you hated p.e the teacher
always made y'all run
20 laps or more.

While running you always
felt sick, but never told
the teacher because they
would just think it's
an excuse just to not

Today the teacher made
y'all watch a video about
eating healthy, it was
stupid but you didn't

After the video, you went
to Science the last class of
the day.

When you arrived at science,
what you were to do what
was on the board.

It was just notes so you
copied them and then waited
for the teacher to give
y'all something else.

The teacher then gave
y'all a test for last week's
thing y'all did, but
the teacher letted y'all
study before the test.

After you were finshed with
the test you waited for everyone
else to finish.

After everyone finshed you
packed all your stuff and
left to go home.

When you got home the first
thing you did was eat dinner,
then you took a nap.

You ended up waking up at 4
AM, so you just got on your
phone til 6.

When it was 6, you got up
and started getting ready.

When you were ready you headed
to school and did the same thing
as yesterday.

- After school -

When you finshed with school
you went to wilburs house, and
y'all watched a movie.

after the movie, y'all talked
for a while then you left.

When you got home it was 5 Pm,
so you made you some ramon

After dinner you got on your
phone and talked to your friend
for a while, Then did your

After doing your homework,
you went to sleep.

You then woke up to it snowing
so you called wilbur and y'all
talked for an hour or 2.

the end


513 words

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