Chapter 1: Where my troubles began.

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"Bella! Slow down!" I call after my sister as she runs frantically through the sea of red cloaks.

"Ana don't worry about Bella. She will be fine!" Alice reassures me, as she sprints at my side.

Though I know that Alice is a reliable source of comfort in this situation, I couldn't help but feel anxious about everything. Today is the day I found out about vampires.

Earlier this year, my sister's boyfriend, Edward Cullen—a little shit face prick, broke up with my sister and dumped her in the woods. The entire year was filled with my father and I waking in the middle of the night to hear Bella's blood curdling screams. If not the onslaught of night-terrors, then it was hours of living death as my sister would lock herself up in her room, to watch the days pass through her window. Bella waited out the countless months that had bled away because she believed that Edward would one day be standing out there, ready to take her back. But he never did.

I would try my best to comfort my sister but talking to her was like trying to catch air with my hands...pointless. Now, in the span of a few hours, my sister had thrown herself off a cliff—survived. Her boyfriend finding out about said cliff-diving and thinking she is dead and is now going to the Italian mafia to get himself killed—oh! And not to mention that they are all vampires!

For my twenty years of life, I have always been quiet, kept to myself and out of trouble, now I'm in Italy, chasing after my boy-crazed sister through an Italian festival to save her trash bag ex from dying. Caught up? Good.

"Hurry Alice! I saw them go inside!" I point towards two large wooden doors that seemed to be the entrance for a clock-tower.

Running towards the door, I try to push them open, but they wouldn't budge. "Dammit! How are we—"

"Let me handle this." Alice raises her dainty hand, laying it against the thick barrier. And with a light push, the door sprung open with the crack of what sounded like a lock.

"Remind me not to piss you off anytime soon." I gulp, but Alice just grins before entering the darkened space.

"Come on guys. It's a festival. You wouldn't want to make a scene." Alice soothes as she pulls off the scarf covering her head.

Following close behind, I see my sister embraced within Edwards arms. Looking passed them, I see two men with dark grey coats, and more importantly...with their red eyes narrowing towards me.

"Another human? Aro will be incredibly displeased." The larger man spoke with a mischievous smirk.

"They don't need to be here. Let the humans go and enjoy the festival...Aro can deal out his punishments to us." Edward spoke with a low rumble. It almost sounded like a growl if I had another chance to listen.

"Enough." Another voice sounded from further down the hall. A young blonde. She almost looked too young, despite the way she carried herself.

"Jane." Edward whispers before averting his eyes, but I just continue to stare.

"Master sent me to see what is taking so long." Jane exchanged glances between the two men, before swiftly turning on her heel without another word.

Completely compliant, Edward begins to pull Bella along with him, and Alice taking my hand to follow her. "Just do as she says." She whispers to me.

We walk silently behind the trio of red-eyed vampires, the tallest one handing Edward a cloak—similar to the ones that the mass of people celebrating outside wore. Heading down a staircase, we are met with an elevator door. The tall vampire pulls open the caged door, allowing all of us to squeeze in like sardines. I stood awkwardly close to Alice. My arm wrapped around hers so tightly, that I feared somehow, someway I would break it—though, I know that there wasn't any possible way I could. And despite my efforts, I could still feel Jane's arm brushing against my side, making me tense to the point of being just as stone-like as the rest of the vampires in this tin box. And as if the circumstances hadn't already made me anxious, the opera music playing through the speakers unsettled me further, however, in a different environment I am usually a fan of the genre.

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