Chapter 20: Little Spawns.

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       My nail taps anxiously against the arm of the medical chair. I lay back, mentally drilling holes into the ceiling, when a soft chuckle makes my eyes shift.

"It's okay to be nervous, Ana. Most would be." Carlisle offers as he gets his instruments ready.

"I'm sorry...but I'm the last person that should be pregnant." I say more seriously, but Carlisle nods understandingly.

"You know, Ana. Your mother—"

"Renee." I coldly correct.

Carlisle nods, changing his wording. "Renee. She wasn't a good mother to you, but don't take that away from yourself. This may not be what you desire...and no one is forcing you to go through with it—it is solely your decision to make. However, in the future, if you wish to be a mother, do not compare yourself to your—to her. I think you deserve more credit than you are willing to accept." Carlisle and I share a moment of silence between us, a short nod being the only response I could give to his speech. With a needless clearing of his throat, Carlisle gestures to the hem of my top. "May I?" Without a word I nod again. Carlisle lifts my shirt to just under my breasts. He picks up a label-less bottle and squirts a gel like liquid over my stomach. With a weird looking tool that looks almost like a mini remote control—buttonless—he begins to glide it around my abdomen, making me shudder at the spread of the cool gel. Carlisle continues to rub the device around, and I hear him sigh.

"W-what's wrong?" I look at him with a little hope.

"Nothing...I just think it may be a bit too early to tell. But your nausea and heart burn should be sure signs—" We both pause as a small heartbeat begins to echo through the speaker of the screen. "There they are. Would you like to see?" Carlisle says, but he refrains from saying all else as I point my face to the ceiling. Tears tread down my cheeks in hot streams. I can't fucking believe it.

After confirming with the ultrasound, Carlisle asked if it would be alright if I sat with him and answered some questions for his research. According to him, Bella and I are the only women he has ever heard of that have become pregnant with what will be called 'Hybrids'.

"Ana...I know that this may be a very personal question—but as a doctor, everything between us is confidential and is meant for research purposes. May I continue?" He says with a click of his pen.

I stare down at my flat stomach. My hands subconsciously held over them as I am incredibly aware of what is growing inside of me. " may." I say quietly.

Carlisle offers a small smile before asking. "Do you remember the last time you had intercourse?"

"Uhm...that would have been four days ago? It was the day I arrived back in Volterra after the wedding."

Carlisle nods, scribbling down my answer. "Four days. Okay, and this may come off as an impertinent question—but the father?"

I flush. "M-Marcus, of course."

"Right. I apologize, I just want to add these details because I may have to cross-reference the differences later. Edward is a vegetarian and Marcus feeds from humans. We are not sure if these small factors will effect the children's development. As for Aro and Marcus, I'm more curious if this child would adopt specific gifts." Carlisle explains softly.

"Oh. Of course." I nod, realizing that I may have sounded easily offended before.

"Do not worry. Remember, I am not here to judge you. You are in a very unique situation; you have every right to have your guard up. Now...I'm sure that this is obvious...but have you and Marcus ever used contraceptives?"

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