Chapter 28: Live A Long Life.

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Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay! I was having a difficult time writing this chapter because I'm not the greatest writer when it comes to action and combat. However, I feel satisfied with how this chapter has come together, and I hope you all do too. Now, please enjoy and thank you all so much for the support!

  "Newborns?" Caius says lowly, as his eyes shift to our surroundings.

The Romanians have been gathering newborns for this battle—but not in any way for our favour in this confrontation. I feel a knot forming in the pit of my stomach when I feel a tug on my arm. I look down to see the fearful eyes of my daughter.

I crouch down and sweep a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Don't be afraid sprout. I'm here."

"And so are we." Marcus places a gentle but reassuring hand on Charlotte's head, making our daughter turn to her father with a nod.

Coming to my feet, I look between my mates, and soul brother. "What do we do? There looks to be about fifty of them."

Aro's eyes carefully scans the field, before he addresses Caius. "What say you, brother? You're the strategist in such events."

Caius scoffs. "There won't be much strategy needed...we have the obvious upper hand—"

My brother is cut from the rest of his thought, when a boulder crashes into the earth beside us. Aro pulls me with him, as everyone else dodges the debris. "Are you alright, amore?" He asks while searching me up and down.

A chuckle slips from me. "I'm not the human I was, Aro."

Meeting my eyes, he calms a little. "Yes, you're right. But whether mortal or immortal, I won't ever let anyone harm you."

"Neither will I. Now...let's finish this." I say with a more determined voice. "Afton." I command. When the lower guard vampire appears, my mates look slightly confused. "Take Charlotte. You're able to keep both of you unseen, yes?"

"Y-yes, Mistress." He nods.

"Charlotte." I call my daughter from her father's side. "You're going with Afton, okay? Make sure to behave yourself." My daughter nods and is taken into Afton's arms. Knowing that my daughter will be safely kept out of this fight, I take a breath. My shield begins to span out, covering all of the Volturi and their witnesses. Glancing back to my mates, I smirk. "Ready?"

Before either of them could answer, my brother comes forward with a war hungry grin. "Oh, very much so."

With a chuckle, we advance forward. The Romanians have a newborn that has Felix's strength—the same one who threw that boulder at us. Though I know well that Felix can finish him with much effort. Pulling the strong newborn into my shield, Felix and Demetri pull off his limbs, leaving him as nothing but a pile of dismembered body parts as we continue forward.

"Alright, sister. It is time to split up. We cannot continue to fight in a pack." Caius instructs.

"Understood. Whenever you are ready, you can walk straight out of my shield—it won't contain you." I call back. And as soon as I inform the coven, they begin to spread—taking down the targets they meet. I see Marcus advancing past me. He's heading towards Vladimir and Stephan. I try to expand my shield to him, but he outruns me. Aro follows after him as he too has bad blood with the Romanians. It is not just about power for my mates—but for the loss of Didyme, whether she chose her own demise or not. She was Aro's sister, and Marcus's wife. I watch fearfully as my two mates collide with their enemies. Stephan and Aro claw at each other, but Aro is not expecting to be bitten by a newborn that comes to aid his sire. The newborn shoves Aro through the air. I relinquish the shield around me and send it towards Aro, saving him from a nasty fall. Now vulnerable, another newborn comes and tackles me to the ground. It straddles me, with its hands around my neck. I scream with frustration as I try to push them off. My screams continue, but now they become hoarser as my neck starts cracking under the pressure. I am sure that there is nothing else for me to do when someone kicks off the newborns head. Looking up to my saviour I sigh with relief. "Thena."

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