chapter 17

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I do a quick scan of my room when Harry and I walk in to assess how clean it is. I'm also making sure I don't have anything embarrassing lying around. All clear.

I shut my balcony door and lock it while his eyes roam around the space.

"I like your room." He turns to me. "It fits you."

"You think so?" I look around at the posters and random prints on my walls I'd finally gotten around to putting up.

He walks up to my shelf full of animal nic nacs and picks up a small wolf figurine. Examining it, he looks at every detail.

"Keep it." I tell him.

"What?" He looks up at me.

"The remind me of it. You're similar I think."

Harry glances at it in his large palm before giving me a questioning look.

"Misunderstood." I whisper.

The word sits heavy in the air between us.

Slowly setting it back down, he walks up to me and grabs my face. He runs his hands through my hair and pushes it back, kissing my cheek and nose before placing one on the corner of my mouth.

"What's your major?" His question comes out of nowhere.

"Hmm?" I ask distracted by what he's doing to me.

"Your major?" He smiles.


"The animals make sense."

"Yeah I love them." We're silent as I study his face. "What about you?"

"Yeah animals are cool."

"No." I smile. "What's your major?"

He doesn't respond right away and I swear I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes.

"Business." He mumbles and let's me go to walk over to my bookshelf.

Business? I don't picture Harry being a business man. Has that always been his major? Maybe he thought it was a good backup when he played football. Oh my god...


He's probably stuck doing business because he can't play football anymore. We haven't talked about his accident and I don't know how to bring it up. I don't want to remind him of a past he wants to forget.

"Harry?" I whisper.

He turns his attention from my books to look at me.

"I'm sorry you can't do what you love anymore."

"Don't." His voice is pained. "I fucked it up all on my own...I don't deserve your sympathy."

"You still have it."

His expression softens, green eyes holding so much emotion that I can't read. Turning back to the shelf, he returns the book he was holding before walking over to my bed.

"So this is where it went down huh?" He runs his hand over my maroon comforter.

I let him change the subject. I just wanted him to know he can talk to me.


"Last night." Harry's green eyes hold mine. "That was my first time doing that you know."

My heart rate increases when he brings up what we did. I look at him confused though. What does he mean that was his first time?

"Phone sex." His deep voice washes over me.

"Really?" I ask in disbelief.

"Don't act so surprised." He takes a seat at the end of my bed. "You normally need to know someone longer than a night for that."

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