chapter 21

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I don't talk to Eric much during class, not knowing how to feel about what happened today. What I do know is that I need to talk to Harry.

"I'm sorry." Eric apologizes when we walk out of the English building. "I wasn't thinking about him being your coach."

If he only knew how much he's not just my coach. I appreciate his apology though.

"Thanks." I smile. "I'm sure it's fine."

He reminds me to think about Friday when we part ways but all I can think about is telling Willow what happened at the library.


"Damn Eric's brave stepping up to the storm." She sounds impressed as we walk to practice.

"He was so mad Willow I don't think he even realized what he was doing."

"Obviously." She exaggerates. "Harry could easily beat his ass."

"And his friend Jasper was there too." I remind her. "Jasper..." I trail off trying to remember what Eric said his last name was.

"Knight." Willow answers for me, rolling her eyes. "Of course he was. He's a cockroach."

I laugh. "So not a fan?"

"Not of people who think they're better than everyone else." She grabs the gym door handle but waits to open it. "If Harry is the most popular guy on campus, Knight's a close second.

She swings the door open to reveal a couple of the girls already warming up, tossing a ball around. My eyes instantly find Harry like he's my personal magnet. He's watching the girls while jotting stuff down in a notebook but it doesn't take long for him to realize I'm there. He takes a step like he wants to come to me but stops himself. I feel his eyes on us as we walk to the hallway.

I'm distracted thinking about everything while Willow gets ready way faster than me.

"I'll meet you out there." I assure her.

A couple minutes later, I step out of the locker room into an empty hallway. Before I can take more than a few steps, I'm pulled back by a warm hand grabbing mine. A surprised sound leaves my mouth as Harry pulls me down the hall and into his office.

"Won't they wonder where we are?" I motion towards the gym.

"They can wait." He uses my hand to slowly pull me in. "I'm the one who can't."

His warm hand holding mine is making it feel all tingly. I'll never get used to his touch.

"I'm sorry about Eric." I blurt out not realizing how sorry I felt.

Why do I feel sorry? It's not even my fault.

"Don't be sorry." He runs his hands through my hair that I haven't had a chance to put up yet. "It was worth it to get a glimpse of you in that library."

Harry has to take a step back to steady himself when my lips smash into his. What was he expecting after saying something like that?

He ends up pushing me against the door and it doesn't take long for my legs to end up around his waist. He trails open mouthed kisses down my jaw and neck while I grab onto his floppy hair. God how is his hair so cute when it doesn't even look like he brushed it today.

"I love your hair." I realize I said the words out loud when his mouth returns to mine and I feel his smile.

"I love when you tug on it." He counters.

You don't have to tell me twice. I pull on it hard, making him hiss as his head falls back. His next kiss is hungry and messy. I swear my whole chin is in his mouth at one point. It eventually slows down when we run out of air. I lean the side of my face against his as we catch our breath.

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