chapter 2

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Bad drawing I know lol I just wanted to give you an idea of what their apartment looks like. The dark squiggles are their bedroom doors, the balcony, and the front door.

"I can't believe you haven't heard of him yet." Willow starts.

"Well considering I just got to California today, I'd believe it." At that she looked surprised.

"You aren't from here?" She asks me like she doesn't believe it.

"No I'm from Georgia. Why?"

"I don't know, you just look like you would be from California." She shrugs.

What? Why do I look like that? "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask her confused.

"Nothing" she laughs. "You're just insanely beautiful and you seem like you fit into the scene here."

Aw that's nice. "Thanks but I'm not trying to fit into any scene. I just want to focus on volleyball and school."

"Great me too but I'm also gonna slip some partying into there somewhere." Willow smiles. Wow she's got a great smile. I can't stop staring at her perfectly straight white teeth.

I laugh "I guess I can do that too if my roomie is." She laughs and hugs me again. I'm coming to realize Willow is a hugger. I don't mind though.

She pulls back and looks at me. "So what was living in Georgia like? Have you lived there your whole life?"

"Yes but we'll talk about that later." I wave my hand. "Tell me who Harry Styles is already."

"Oh right sorry." She laughs. "He was the quarterback of our football team."

"Was?" I question.

"Yeah was. Last year he dislocated his throwing arm shoulder and was told he would never play the same again."

Wow a quarterback. No wonder Willow was confused how he could coach volleyball.

"So he's done with football all together?"

"Yeah with the injury it's too dangerous for him to play any position. Ergo the end of his football career. As you can imagine, he kind of went on a downward spiral after that. Partied hard, went through a lot of women and a lot of drugs." She explains. "He almost died actually."

"What? How?" I ask shocked.

"He drove home drunk and probably high out of his mind one night after a party. He hit a lamp post and totaled his car." My jaw drops. "Fortunately he walked away banged up with only some stitches but later found out he had a punctured lung that the doctors didn't catch."

"Fuck really?" I gasp.

"Yeah can you imagine? He went into emergency surgery and survived as you know." She sighs. "It was the talk of the campus last year. Hell it was the talk of all of California."

"Wow" is all I can say.

"Yep. After that he cleaned up his act a bit but of course he still parties and goes through women like me with food at a buffet."

I laugh. I had no idea that happened to UOC's quarterback. I really should have done more research before coming here.

"Styles is not your normal golden boy quarterback Violet." Willow gets my attention again. "He never has been."

"What do you mean?" She has my full attention now.

"There's something about him. He's dangerous."

"I don't think coach Stevens would ask him to coach us if he was dangerous." I add.

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