Chapter 1

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A/N - Hello! Welcome to book 2 of Days, Weeks, Months! I'm so excited to write this book!

Hello Dream.

"Hello?" Dream called. "Who are you?"

Does that matter? Look around you.

Dream looked at the world around him. The grass was growing lushly, the building adding to the very warm feel of the world. To his left, he could see Tommy and Tubbo playing with each other happily. Dream smiled. To his right, he could see Wilbur, Niki, Fundy, and Puffy laughing with each other. In front of him, he could see George, Sapnap, Bad, and Skeppy laughing and pushing each other around. Everyone was finally happy. Everything was over. Sure, Dream was still a ghost, but that didn't matter, did it?

The world just seems so perfect, doesn't it?

"Yes, it does." Dream replied to the voice. 

Look closer. Do you see the imperfections?

He did. One of Sapnap's eyes were still white. Fundy still had their engagement ring on. Techno and Phil were missing. 

So many imperfections. 

"So what? It'll be fine. We'll get through all these problems together. We'll be one big and happy family." Dream argued.

Mmmm. Or so you think. Close your eyes.

Dream did as asked.

Now open them again.

Dream opened his eyes to chaos and disaster. To his left, Tommy and Tubbo were fighting. They were clawing at each other like life-long enemies. To his right, Wilbur was staggering, holding his head as if he had gone insane. Fundy and Puffy were arguing with each other, Fundy aggressively waving the ring in front of Puffy, who looked like she was screaming. Niki was just sitting down, calmly watching all of the madness occur around her. In front of him, Sapnap was yelling at George, and Bad was yelling at Skeppy. No. This was all wrong. Sapnap would never be actually mad at George. Not so much as to yell at him. And Bad would never yell at Skeppy. Never.

The world itself was practically on fire, which set Dream into panic mode. Fire was bad. Fire hurt him. The sky was gray, the grass burnt.

"What is happening?" Dream asked the voice.

This is the world you live in.

"No, it's not. Tommy and Tubbo are best friends. Everyone is always nice to each other. This isn't my world. It's not!" Dream cried.

Yes, it is.

"NO, IT'S NOT!" Dream screamed. "IT'S NOT, IT'S NOT, IT'S NOT!" 

Dream screamed and screamed, but no sound came out. His voice was gone. The voice was gone. No, no, no. This wasn't right. What was happening? Dream screamed again, but once, again, no sound.

He heard a faint shouting. The shout grew louder and louder.

"Dream! Dream!"

Dream woke up in a pool of cold sweat.


"Dream! Are you okay?" Sapnap was sitting on his bed, a worried look plastered on his face. 

"Did you have a nightmare?" George asked.

Dream nodded.

"C'mere." Sapnap pulled Dream and George into a warm hug. 

Dream knew that his skin was still cold, but Sapnap and George had gotten used to it. 

"Hey, you should get some fresh air. George and I were headed to Bad's house, do you wanna come with us?" Sapnap smiled.

"Actually, Fundy asked to see me today."

It was true. The other day, Fundy had intercepted him in the L'manberg and asked Dream to come over for something. Dream wasn't exactly sure what, but Fundy seemed nervous for it. 

"Oh, then we can drop you off on the way there!" George giggled. 


Dream waved goodbye to his friends and headed to Fundy's house in L'manberg. What did Fundy have prepared? He reached Fundy's house and knocked on the door. He heard a crash inside, and the door opened.

Fundy was wearing a nice sweater on top of a white shirt. He cleaned up nice.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, come inside, please." Fundy moved to the side and Dream entered the house. The whole house was softly lit with lanterns and torches. 

"Okay, so I called you here because I figured it was time we talked about. . . us." Fundy looked down at the floor.

Was he nervous?

"Us?" Dream asked. 

"You see, a while before you. . . died, we went on a date." Fundy nervously laughed. 

A date? Oh. They had that kind of relationship.

"And at the end of the date, I. . ." Fundy bit his lip. 

"You what?" Dream's brow furrowed. What did he do?

"I proposed." Fundy smiled. "And you said yes."

WHAT?! He was engaged when he died? Dream looked down at Fundy's hand. A pure diamond ring was resting on his ring finger. Dream looked at his own hand. On his fourth finger, he could see a faint mark, about the size of a ring.

"I. . ." Dream whispered. "I'm so sorry. I can't believe I died without telling you. I'm so sorry. It was so selfish of me to only think of myself."

Dream wrapped his arms around himself and stared at the floor in shame. Suddenly, warm arms wrapped around him, encasing him in Fundy's hug. 

"It's okay." Fundy whispered into his ear softly. 

They pulled apart. 

"You know what? Let's try again." Fundy put his hands on his hips and smirked. "Let's redo our first date."


"You. Me. Treasure Planet~!" Fundy squealed. 

Dream laughed at Fundy's childish behavior towards a Disney movie.

"Alright. Let's do it."


"That was fun, we should do it again sometime." Dream smiled. 

"Are we still. . . you know." Fundy put out his hand to show the ring.

Dream stared at the beautiful ring for a few seconds. He smiled.

"Keep it. We'll see where this goes."

Fundy gasped and his eyes lit up like stars. 

"Bye, Fundy." Dream headed out the door.

"Bye, Dream!" Fundy waved energetically. 

Dream smiled and made his way to Bad's mansion to see what George and Sapnap were up to. 


"Thanks for the help, Bad." Sapnap was saying when Dream walked into earshot.

Help? What kind of help? George and Sapnap looked like they were about to leave. 

"Hey guys!" Dream called.

George and Sapnap faced him and smiled. Dream floated down the rest of the stairs to his friends. One of the perks of being a ghost.

"Hi!" He smiled.

"Hey, Dream! How've you been?" Bad greeted.

"Good. So uh, what kind of help were you guys talking about?" 

Sapnap looked at George, who looked at Bad, who shrugged. 

"It's nothing." Sapnap shook his head. 


Were they hiding something?

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