Chapter 6: Attacked

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⚠️(Trigger warning; fighting, shooting, violence, blood, cussing, trauma, and wounds) ⚠️

(My new favorite song: "beginning middle end" by Leah Nobel)

4 hours earlier:

Blair's POV:

I felt rain droplets roll down my back making me regret not taking the umbrella Diego offered. To my fortune he had decide to comeback to the academy after I used many wonderful words of persuasion. My brother had no car and since I had stupidly decided to leave the house without my wallet we had to walk back.

Usually I loved the rain, the sounds it made while banging against a glass window. Or the fresh smell that soon after brought a rainbow, but on this long walk it made everything seem miserable. My black and white converse were completely soaked all through to my white socks. My thin black turtleneck was drenched and scratchy as if I had gone to the beach. The worst was my ripped jeans, I hate the feeling of wet jeans

Diego was fairing fine with his rain jacket and black boots. I turn staring at his brown locks of hair. It was unfair how each sibling was so much taller then me. I guess it is my fault since I decide to stay this age, but that's besides the point.

I hear Diego's boots clacking against the black pavement snapping me out of my thoughts. I stare up seeing the giant building in front of us. Allison's car is parked in front, but the van is gone. "Five you twat" I mutter under my breath with frustration. Why is he so determined to do everything on his own? Once we get to the big brown door that towers over me I turn the knob stepping inside. My shoes make sloshing sounds as they meet the wooden floors.

"Should have worn your doc martins" my brother says making me roll my eyes. "Thanks for the advice now that we're home" I answer while unlacing my converses. I throw them off onto the floor rushing to the fire place in the living room. I embrace the heat pulling off my socks. I watch a bob of blonde hair walk into the living room with slight elegance. Grace approached me with a warm smile and I do the same.

"I started a shower for you darling, you should go before you catch a cold" she says. I stare at her pink flowing skirt watching as she steps forward urging me to go. I give in racing up the stairs. The bathroom is foggy filled with moisture making me unable to see myself in the mirror, but I do at care. Quickly I rip off my soaked cloths ecstatic for any warmth.

I step into the white tub seeing the shower head turned on. The water hit my skin with a burst of heat removing whatever taints of raindrops were left on it. I grab the brown shampoo bottle that has probably been here since I left all those years ago. I begin massaging it into my scalp thankful for the moment of relaxation. My hands move in rhyme and I don't even have to think. My hands move to rinse out the soap moving onto grab the conditioner bottle which I smooth onto the lowe half of my hair.

As a child grace told me to only use the conditioner on this part of my hair and I never questioned it. As an adult I realized you don't have to do that, but the habitat was already made. I rinse out of the conditioner and move onto the vanilla scented body wash. Vanilla, sounds like something a kind main character from a film would use.

I laugh at the thought and just enjoy the feeling of the smooth substance on my skin. I wish I could stay in this moment forever. All alone with nothing weighing on my shoulders. But as they always say "everything good must come to an end". With that parting thought I rinse the last bubbles of the soap off stepping out of the 15 minute long shower. 15 minutes of paradise.

I see a blue towel folded nicely on the counter I grab it wrapping the fabric around my body. The bathroom is right next to my bedroom so I walk right into it. Grabbing my suitcase I pick out a warm outfit in case I have to face the rain again. All my outfits are high classed because that is the style in my area of New York. I have multiple trench coats packed so I choose another black, long sleeve, turtle neck with a tan trench coat that reaches around my knees and tan trouser pants with a brown belt.

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