Chapter 3: the commission

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(Possible trigger warning, choking and violence)

(This is irrelevant, but I was listening to "control" by zoe wees while writing this)

Blair's POV:

"Are we going to talk about what just happened" space boy asks from across the counter. He sits next to me at the table, towering over me. My least favorite sibling is across the counter from me. It's been 17 years and yet he looks the same. His thin brown hair falls over his forehead in perfect formation and I have to stop the urge to roll my eyes. This boy is far from perfect, although he thinks he is.

"I came back from the future, it's shit by the way" the arrogant ass says while making his dumb sandwich. He continues on not making eye contact with any of us "I should've listened to the old man. You know jumping through time and space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice".

I stare at him in his oversized suit. Time is a complicated objective and I always believed it should not be messed with. Fate will come when it is time, the universe some how always comes through. Five had other idea's. Always wanting more.

"How did you come back?" I ask and for the first time he turns to me with pursed lips. He then turns his gaze back to the sandwich and says with disinterest "In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time". I stare at him brow furrowed. Out of every possible explanation he couldn't have chosen I don't know English? "That didn't make any sense" I say twiddling my thumbs in concentration.

"Well it would if you were smarter" five remarks with a slight smirk. I slam my hand against the wood table making it shake beneath my strength. Standing up from the chair I began consider the possibility of tearing every hair off his head, but as I'm about to attack vanya steps in front of me shaking her head.

"Somethings never change, even your short temper" the triggering prick says aloud. The words pop into my mind that I know will bother him. "I see you still have more ego then you do body mass, I wonder how you even function with it at this point" I replied replacing his smirk with anger. I can feel the fury coming off him in waves of heat, but I am as scared of him as I am of a fly. So I stare ahead into his ocean pool Blue eyes unregretful.

"We don't have time for this" he says breaking eye contact. I guess even hate cannot be destroyed by distance and time. In this moment I can't not help but question why he came back? why now after 17 years? 17 blissful years without his irritating glare and spiteful smirk. I sit back down in my chair and everyone does the same untensing.

"All of your small brains are probably thinking the same thing, "why did I comeback"?" Five emptyly says causing us to roll our eyes. He then continues on in his confident and unwavering voice "When I went to the future I ran into a agency, they hired me to help keep the time lines correct.

I was using them to try to find a way home when I saw something I wasn't suppose to" We all pause to think this over, but before anyone has a chance to even process it he blinks out of the room. Leaving us with a half explanation and a messy kitchen to be cleaned.

We all sit in awkward silence trying to fill in the blanks. What did he mean by keep the timelines correct? What did he see? I snap out of these thoughts standing up abruptly. He doesn't get to just come back and leave us with a half explanation. I rush out of the room hearing klaus and vanya call after me, vanya very silently and Klaus yelling loud enough I think even New York heard him, but I ignore them. If anyone could get this out of him it would be me and my short temper. Maybe if I get him angry he'll just shout it at me.

I enter the hallway to five's room with quick steps, finally meeting his door. "Five we need to talk" I yell with slight frustration. The door swings open and I feel the wind shift my long brown hair. He stares at me irritated as only I could irritate him. "Look I don't have all day, what do you want?" he says before I can speak. I roll my eyes shoving past him into his room. Five is wearing his old umbrella academy uniform looking the same he did many years ago. "You know it's been 17 years do-" I start before he cuts me off. "It's been a lot longer than that for me. 45 years in fact" he mumbles.

"Okay 45 years whatever, you owe us a better explanation then that. What did you see? and what is the whole deal with this commission? Are they dangerous?" I question demandingly. He turns slamming the door making me flinch slightly. I try not to show it, but his anger outburst triggers me. It brings me back for some reason to all those long days of training and disappointment.

"I'm only going to say this once so keep your thoughts in check" he shouts. I stare at him confused, he seemed so impatient. I hadn't done anything that should have made him react in such a way. "Fine, but stop shouting it's giving me a headache" I lie.

He rolls his tongue in the inside of cheek and I can't help but notice the way his jawline is undoubtedly perfect, annoyingly perfect. "First of all, "we" are not going to do anything. The commission yes is dangerous which is why none of you will be dealing with this mess. For now the fact im stuck in this 15 year old body should be enough to throw them off, but they will not stop looking for me and they will kill anyone who gets in their way, but that's tomorrow's problem. Right now i'm going to sleep, so can you just please leave me the fuck alone," he says, emphasizing fuck.

My nervous tick of twiddling my thumbs begins again. His words race through my mind as I stare at the sleeve of my shirt. Fives cold demeanor returns "Damn it Blair do I have to pull you out by your hair?" he asks, his hand sliding down his face with frustration.

I glare at him and decide to let my urge to hit him be known. I concentrate on the object behind him as the glass vase swiftly hits him straight in the back shattering on the floor. He stumbles forward almost running into the wall. "welcome home five" I say, quickly stepping over glass towards his door.

Im not quick enough because as soon as I open the door something slams me against the wall causing me to yelp. Five moves forward trapping me in with his arms as I stare at into his black pupils, refusing to let him think I'm weak. I am no victim in this situation and I could just as easily win it.

"If you try that again Number eight there will be consequences" he threatens, moving his body closer to mine. I don't nod or submit in the way he wants me to which only angers him more.

"I think you're forgetting that i am not below you like you want everyone to believe and I am most certainly not scared of you" I hissed. He stares at me with intense eyes and I can feel my hands start to shake at my sides. Five stares at me for a moment longer, searching my eyes for something.

"Maybe you should be" is the last thing he says before storming back into his room and slamming the door. I drop to the wood floor in frustration. I came for answers and I got threats. Why couldn't I just have left it alone? I feel a slight sting of regret, not for my words, but for allowing myself to use my power in violence. I lost control. Emotions are something I was always afraid of because of their willingness to control someone's actions. Now I see just how much certain emotions or people, affect me. I don't like it.

I stay there on the floor for a while. Wondering why five won't tell me what he saw. I know my other siblings won't allow his willingness to do this alone, which is why I must help too. I slowly get up with the mission to fight for my family even the ones I sometimes hate.


"She loved the ocean because every
time the waves left the shore,
they always came back"


Don't forget to VOTE and tell me what you guys think or if you have any tips for my writing ! I struggle sometimes to explain using dialogue lol. ————————->

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