Chapter 10: powerless?

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⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️ : Cussing, trauma, blood, & Needles

Current favorite song: Bad Idea by Girl in Red or Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo

Blair's POV:

The world felt empty. As if everything and everyone ceased to exist except me and the heavy weight on my chest. It had been three days of absolute darkness.  Sometimes light seemed to creep into my vision, but it immediately disappeared.

Time seem to stretch on forever in the hole of darkness. One would think it would get boring, but i spent those moments searching for any possible hints that I was still alive.

The first sign came when I felt my wrist being clipped into what I would learn later was manacles. I had tried to hold onto the feeling of raw metal, but none the less, it disappeared like everything else.

I wanted to scream. The feeling of being stuck inside my head was worse than anything I had experienced before. I wanted to speak, but I couldn't get my mouth open. I wanted to move my hands to tap, but I couldn't find them.

Thankfully, the second sign came after what I would assume would be two days later and much more vivid than the first . I remember feeling a warm liquid trickle down my forehead. I thought someone had been dropping the water on my skin, but than I felt more droplets gathering on my arms. I came to the conclusion that I was in fact and undeniably sweating.

I felt the warm air begin to cling to my skin causing beads of sweat to gather on my forehead. My body was desperately attempting to cling to this more permanent but annoying feeling and after a few moments of struggle I managed to open my heavy hooded eyes.

"Well well well, look who's finally awake" a sharp feminine voice said. I looked up to see a woman with bright red lip stick stuck on her annoyingly radiant smile. Her hair was honey blonde, cut to just above her shoulder length. In other words she looked like a pompous bitch.

Looking up at her I became full at aware of the manacles on my wrist that were stuck to the wall above my head. I sat on the ground of a flashing white room that looked like a hospital that people never come out of.

"Who are you" I answer my words coming out in horrid slurs. This only seemed to make the woman more happy, as if my pain was a prize. "I'm the handler of course, but you wouldn't know that. Me and your brother five are very good-" she took a pause for a moment, her eyebrow lifting before finishing with "friends".

I almost laughed in her face. The irony of the fact she could say they were friends after she kidnapped me. Even if me and five had our fights we would never actually kill each other or harm the other. "Why am I here" I asked, the words still coming out slowly . If this is where I die I will come back and haunt every single person on this fucking earth.

"Oh love, you see your brother found out some information that he didn't like and now I'm afraid your leverage in an even bigger fight" the woman who went by "the handler" replied in a mocking tone. She sounded like Reginald, talking like I was a child.

"Your talking about the army your building, what are you even planning to do with them?" I asked again. My questions seemed to be building up the longer I was awake. Where was five? Did Allison make it? We're they coming for me? Did they even know I was here or that I was kidnapped?

"You don't have to worry your pretty little head about any of that, but just know it's for the better of humanity" pompous bitch answered. I only rolled my eyes, could she been any less specific? "Does the "better of humanity" involve killing it" I mumbled under my breath.

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