The Coincidence of Abby and Daniel

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Hey guys so this is my first story here on wattpad. I would love it is you guys could comment with some ideas or whatnot but let me know what you think!

Chapter one

Abby's POV

"Mom have you seen my blue top?" I yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Second drawer down, on your left!"

"Thanks!" I called back and I went back to my room and well what do ya know, my blue top is exactly where she left it.

Now let me introduce myself. My name is Abby. I'm sixteen and I'm a junior at Mansgrove High School home of the Tigers! Woo. Not. I'm a very quiet and reserved person and I do not like going to school because I have to deal with Robyn and the rest of the cheer squad that hates me for no odd reason. I am currently living with my mom who is hardly ever home but makes an effort to come home once in a while, like last night where she came in through the door with my favorite Chinese food, probably just to suck up to me or not being home so often. Where's my dad you ask? Well my dad died last year due to a car accident. It's been rough on my mom which is why she is now completely devoted to work and hardly ever shows up. I know, don't I have a great life? but then again it could be worse. Now before you go and think 'oh this is probably just another cliche story' you might want to stick around to hear what I have to tell you, my story gets interesting I promise. Oh crap I almost forgot school starts in a half an hour! Panicking, I looked for my makeup bag grabbing the mascara to put on to bring out my blue eyes. When I was done with that I grabbed my hairbrush and brushed through my long chestnut brown locks as quickly as I could. I grabbed my white sweater and a pair of blue skinny jeans , ran to grab my keys, a banana and my book bag and I was out the door and driving off in my jeep in record time.

10 minutes later and I was at school and had 6 minutes to spare before first class which I had psychology. Walking to my locker, I started to hear some laughing from behind me. Turning around I saw it was the one and only gorgeous Daniel Lane with Robyn and few other friends of theirs. 'Oh great' I thought, 'let the torture begin.'

Walking towards me with a glint of hatred in her eyes was none other than Robyn herself.

"Hello slut!" She said loud enough for her group to hear her. They started laughing. I don't get why she's calling me a slut, seeing as to though she's the one hardly wearing any clothes.

"What do you want?" I grumbled underneath my breath, hoping he would go away an leave me alone with my thoughts.

"Oh nothing, just wanted to let you know if you attempted to look good today, it's not really working, and those jeans make you look fat." She stated without any guilt in her voice.

I don't get how someone can be so gorgeous (as much as I hate to admit it) and be so mean at the same time. It's a curse for us ugly people.

I blushed, holding back tears, and slowly turned towards my locker, as she walked back towards the group. I looked back over at all of them and sighed, wondering what causes them to hate me so much. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I could've sworn I saw Daniel Lane looking at me with sympathy, but then again I probably just imagined it.

The warning bell rang, telling us all to get to class so I grabbed my notebook and started to walk to class when I was grabbed from behind and spun around to see that it was Ethan, one of Daniel and Robyn's friends.

"She was right you know, those jeans don't look good on you." He said smirking, knowing it would get to me. I yanked my arm from his grasp and turned to walk to the classroom, silently wishing I could just be at home where I could cry in peace. Walking into the classroom with Ethan at my tail, I kept my head down low and headed towards the back of the classroom, where no one would notice me while he headed over to his group and told them about our little run in. You could hear them laughing about It two towns over, honestly it's not funny to tear apart a girls self esteem. I had the urge to go over there and punch them, but I know I would never do that.

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