Truths and Lies

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Hi guys! I feel like I talk to myself when I do these authors notes cause no one responds or comments ): I hoped you liked the last chapter!(: I like Lauren... I wonder what more there is to her? What do you guys think? (: anyways, I've decided I'm going to upload at least once a week maybe even two times!(: just for you readers ;) anyways enjoy this chapter, I hope you like it!




Hearing voices downstairs, me and Lauren quickly ran to her room.

"Dammit I really hate that girl." Lauren said after slamming her door shut.

"I hate her too, 2 years if outright bullying and now she has to show up wherever I am. Drives me crazy." I said shaking my head.

"I know what would really get her mad though..." Lauren said with a sly grin.

"What are you thinking...I've known you for like two hours and I already know that is your sneaky face." I said.

"Oh relax it's nothing harmful...just sleep with Daniel, I won't mind, I like you." Lauren stated deviously.

"WHAT? I'm NOT sleeping with Daniel. He doesn't even like me, we just became friends." I defended myself, "besides I'm pretty sure Robyn would rip my throat out if she found out."

"Exactly. She'll be so pissed a loser, no offense I really like you though, like you could actually beat her at getting something she wants. And what she wants is my brother, I hate her, see? It isn't going to end well." Lauren explained.

"There is no WAY I'm having sex with your brother! Are you nuts? She'd kill me instantly." I said stubbornly. I mean sleeping with someone is a big deal for me, even though I'm not a virgin, and yes, you read that correctly, I'm not a virgin surprise surprise.

"Fine. Then at least look hot tonight and make him jealous, Robyn would be LIVID!" She laughed.

"Why do you even hate Robyn so much? I mean I hate her too but I told you why..." I asked.

She sighed.

"She was my bestfriend freshman year. I know right, I don't even-ugh-whatever. Anyways, I started going out with my first boyfriend, Kyle, and shed be like weirdly jealous of me. Like if I were to blow her off to hangout with him she'd be like "why didn't you call me back?" And I was like "why are you so obsessed with me?" And then for my birthday I threw a boys/girls pool party, and I was like, "Robyn, I can't invite you because...I think you're a two faced whore." I mean I couldn't have a two faced whore at my birthday party, there were gonna be boys there, HORNY boys...and so then her mom called my mom and started yelling I don't know it was really stupid and so then two years later she waltzes back into my life with her boobs all pushed up and makeup caked on her face."

Lauren explained.

I burst out laughing.

" know that entire monologue from Regina George in mean girls?" I asked in between breaths.

"Yeah I have no friends, which is why I like you!" She said smiling.

I calmed down.

"No but seriously, what happened?" I asked.

"Short story is that we were best friends. I could tell her anything. Then I went to a party one night, and I normally go to those with Robyn but I was bored and she was supposed to be at her dads in New York, but when I was looking for the bathroom I walked in on her screwing my boyfriend. I saw, turned around, and walked back out and went home. Daniel stayed with me the entire weekend it happened, watching movies with me and talking, that's mostly why I remembered it, cause we would always watch it together, but we never talked again, she never even attempted to apologize." She explained with sad eyes.

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