A New Friend

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Hi everyone! So sorry I haven't uploaded in a while! I've been crazy busy. Plus this weekend I lost power and heat :( but I'm making this chapter really long for you guys! (: I hope you all are liking this book so far, it means a lot that you guys keep reading it!(: tell your friends and suggest it to other readers/writers please!(: xoxo


~ Enjoy (: ~


So far, I don't even know what to expect from Daniel. I mean, I didn't even know he was nice so what am I supposed to expect? All I know is that he has a sister named Lauren who he described as a little strange. I hope she's at least a little nice...

"So Lauren is kind of..odd..as some would say..so I don't blame you if your creeped out..she's normally the reason why I make her leave the house or stay in her room when I have a party." He explained.

"It's okay haha I'm sure i'll be just fine." I said.

We walked through the hallway, and made our way up the stairs, music was getting louder and louder as we walked to the end of the hall and reached a black door that had a giant KEEP OUT sign on it and a Do not disturb unless you are Wesley Stromberg or someone with food. I had to laugh at that one.

"Yeah she's a little..different." Daniel said with a smirk. He raised his hand to knock at the door. One minute later, the door swung open to reveal a girl with long straight brown hair with blue streaks and crystal blue eyes. She had few freckles and was tiny and skinny as a person could be. She looked at Daniel and glared but then saw me and smiled her white teeth right at me. The music is still blaring so loud I think my ears might fall off.

"Laur, this is Abby. Abby this is Lauren." Daniel introduced us, trying to talk over the music.

She smiled and yelled, "Hi! Do you wanna come in?"

I looked at Danny to see if it was okay, or better yet if I should. He just shrugged and said "Lauren you better not freak her out." And shoved me towards her room. Grabbing my hand she pulled me deeper into her room. The music is killing my head.

"Do you think you could...uh...turn the music down a little?" I tried yelling over the sound of beautiful voices, but terrifying lyrics.

"Oh yeah sure! Sorry bout that," she walked towards her speaker system and hit the mute button. "Anyways, I didn't know your friends with my brother, i'll pray for you haha." She stated, jumping on her bed and sitting criss cross apple sauce.

"Haha it's fine, he's not that bad, although we only just became friends yesterday." I explained.

"Oh I see haha. Good luck with him, he's too confusing to deal with, which is why I'm always in my room. Which by the way, I designed. Not to brag or anything." She said.

I looked around this gigantic room of hers and stared in awe. The room color was a dark maroon color with a cream carpet. There was a huge window overlooking there backyard, which had a beautiful pool, and a balcony. Her bed was in the center of the room, with blankets and pillows galore. There was a bathroom with a jacuzzi and across from the bathroom there was a huge walk in closet which had racks of shoes and jewelry section in the middle. Throughout her room there was posters of the band Emblem3 and One Direction, movie posters of Les Miserables, The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Ferris Bueller's Day Off and The Breakfast Club. There was a gigantic book case that looked like it belonged in a library. There was a string of white christmas lights hanging around the giant window. Two cream bean bags in the corner, and to top it off, she had a beautiful chandelier hanging from the middle of her room. It was a gorgeous room to envy.

"Woah. Haha I'm at loss for words, your room is awesome. Seriously." I said still in awe.

"Thanks haha it took me a while to finally figure it out but I finally decided what I wanted." She said smiling. I walked over towards the bean bags and plopped down. She came over and sat in the other one.

"So I see your a fan of Emblem3 and One Direction." I said. Secretly hiding my love for the both of them too.

"YES I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! DO YOU LIKE THEM?! IF YOU DO WE CAN BE BEST FRIENDS I GIVE YOU PERMISSION!" She practically screamed in my face. I like this girl, she's different than the two faced bitches at our school. Which reminds me I don't even know how old she is.

"I DO I DO I DO!" I screamed back laughing. "How old are you anyways?" I asked her.

"Oh Daniel didn't tell you? What an idiot. We're twins, I'm 3 minutes and 12 seconds younger." She stated.

That explains why they looked so alike. I know they are siblings but I mean they looked more alike than any other sister and brother I've seen.

"Really? Huh. That's pretty cool actually." I said. No wonder, they have the same sarcastic personality too.

"Yeah sadly I'm related to that loser." She said. I laughed. "Wanna go downstairs and see what Danny's up to? I can show you embarrassing pictures!" She said with a sly grin as she grabbed my hand, pulling me up and heading towards her door.

Once downstairs, we looked everywhere for Daniel. We ended up finding him in the kitchen, no surprise there, and he was making cookies. I never knew this house was THAT big.

"So did she freak you out or are you BESTEST FRIENDS FOREVVVERR!" He said and squealed the last part like a 8 year old. I laughed.

"She's pretty cool actually. We're both obsessed with movies and we like the same bands." I said sitting on the island chair. Lauren did the same.

"What? Wow. That's a first. Usually if I bring anyone over they run and hide from her." He said jokingly to Lauren. She slapped his arm.

"In my defense, all your friends are losers." She said with a grin.

"Or jerks." I added.

"Or sluts." She continued.

"Or just plain out cocky, like you!" I said pointing a finger at Daniel.

He looked taken aback, "What? Moi? How dare yee." He said putting a hand on his forehead pretending to be hurt.

"Anyways, do you guys want to go to a movie festival with me this weekend?" Lauren asked.

"YES I WOULD LOVE TO!" I practically yelled I was so excited I haven't been to one since- oh. Since my dad died.

Daniel noticed my sudden change of character, from smiling and laughing with his sister to stiff and straight-faced.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Showing a little concern.

"Oh haha nothing I just got a little dizzy from getting to excited haha." I lied. I'm not planning on telling him anytime soon about my dad, my family and what fucked up shit I've been through. He would probably leave me again and become the stupid ass jock he was before.

He looked hesitant, like he wanted to push the subject, but luckily he didn't.

"Okay If you're sure..."

"I am! Don't worry about me I'm fine." Once again one big fat lie. I'm never fine. The doorbell rang. Shit the party. Daniel went to go get the door.

"Lauren, could I borrow some clothes for tonight?" I asked. I forgot she was here and I felt bad again.

"Yes of course! Come upstairs we can get ready together!" She said with a smile. I liked Lauren.

As we went up the stairs we heard all the boys on Daniels football team enter laughing at something, then we heard the voice we never really wanna hear. The high pitched slutty voice of your one and only, Robyn. This is gonna be one hell of a night, I can tell.


Hi guys! So thanks again for reading my story, I really cannot thank you enough, I really enjoy writing it (: anyways please VOTE! COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT! Share with fellow wattpadians (I just made myself laugh)

Love you all! Xoxo


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