Episode 1 Part 4

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Jack,Mac and I are on the helicopter trying to find the truck that Nikki said the virus was in.

Mac:There it is... the truck Nikki said Chen was driving!

Jack: Yeah, I got him.

once jack got closer to the truck Mac dropped down than me.Mac took out his Swiss army knife and cut the tarp.He went first landing on his stomach. Then me i landed on my feet He glares at "show off." he huffed out all I did was smirk. He took the off a piece of metal showing wires.

Mac: Uh, Jack, we got a problem.

Jack: What kind of problem?

Me: The kind you don't want to be anywhere near. Chen's using an I.E.D. to send the virus airborne. It'll kill millions.

Jack:Well, mac can you stop it?

Mac:I don't know.You should probably get out of here, though.

JACK: Ah, you know I'm not gonna do that. If you go kaboom, I go kaboom. This is what the Army trained you for. You can do this in your sleep.

Mac:Yeah, okay, I can do without the pep talk right now.

I smile a little at the banter while getting my gun out of my side holster.

Jack: Okay, that's cool. Just trying to do my part, you know.

Mac: Great.

Jack: That doesn't sound very encouraging.

Mac: Yeah, well, you know how you always have to pick between cutting the blue wire and the red wire?

Jack and Me: Yeah?

Mac: Well, I've got about 12 wires down here and they're all green.

I walk over and crouch down looking, hes right.

Me: Well damn

Jack: Well, you better pick one quick. Someone's coming down the chimney and it ain't Santa Claus.

He tried cutting one but he turned it on

Me: oh shit

I yelled as a guy fell down and started to try to fit me I didn't want to shoot him cause i could hit the virus so i just pushed him out of the truck.

Mac: Thanks

ME: Yeah, save it for happy hour. You still have work to do, Mac, talk to me.

Mac: Stopping the bomb is out of the question.

Jack: Then get the virus and get out of there.

Me: Mac?

Mac: I got it.

Jack: Good.Now jump!

Mac: I can't risk shattering the container and releasing the virus.

ME: Although the alternative isn't any better. 30 seconds on the clock. D.I.Y. or die.

Mac looked at me then looked around.

Mac started to take apart the back of the truck, once he was ready he put the virus in his jack to shield it.

Mac: OK now hug me

Me: Hug you?

he nods

I step to him and wrap my arms around his neck.He gripped my waist and let the parachute go making us fly backwards and hit the ground. Than the truck exploded.Mac crawled on top of me to shield me from the deb-re. He lay flat on top of me while I gripped his back and shoved my face in his neck. Once it was over we let go and all we did was look at each other." thanks mac." "your welcome." the moment was cut short when jack started to yell.

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