Episode 3 Part 1

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Ollie's P.O.V

I've been thinking about what mac said and I'm trying to find the right moment to tell him but work sucks and currently Mac Jack and I are running through a building that's on fire so that's fun. And I don't tend on dying with Jack running his mouth so we better get out NOW!!!

Jack: First fight with Vladimir Putin in space, read the rest of the Harry Potter books, sing with Willie nelson...

Mac: Jack, what the hell are you talking about?!

Jack:It's my bucket list, mac. You know what's not on that list? Hanging out in a burning building that you set on fire!

Me: Well you know what's not on my bucket list listening to you blab your mouth now shut up and mac get us out of here

Mac: Okay, admittedly, not my best plan. But it did get the somali warlords off of our tail.

Riley (over radio): Fighting putin in space? Like, how would that even happen?

Jack: I don't know, riley. Life's full of surprises.

Me: How's our exit strategy coming?

Riley: Just hacked a somali government database and downloaded the blueprints.There's a stairwell on your right in 300 feet.

Mac: Well, did Thornton get the coordinates we sent?

Thornton: I did, indeed. We're targeting a drone strike. General dalmar's chemical weapons factory should be history in three, two, one. mission accomplished. Come on home, boys and girl

We were running near the staircase when we saw helium about to explode. As we ran away it exploded and Mac protected me by shoving me down and landing on top of me, so the flying debris hit him, now I would think this is romantic but all I can I hear is the ringing in my ears.

We got up coughing from the smoke. My head hurt and my ears were ringing but We got up. We ran back to the stair case to see if we could use it but that's a big fat no.

Mac: Whoa. No, no, no, no, no, no!

Me: Riley, I don't suppose there's another staircase we can use.

Riley: Uh, no. What's wrong with that one?

Jack: It'd probably be quicker to tell you what's not wrong with it.

Riley: Okay, there's a window about 50 feet down the hall on your left. But there is one catch.

We run to the window and look down. Damn that high. I look at Mac.

Mac: That's a pretty big catch.

Mac had that look as he began collecting stuff. He only had 2 fire extinguishers.

Me: Bitch there's 3 of us learn to count

Mac looked at me and glared.

Jack: Unless you can find about 50 more of those, we still got a pretty major problem here.

Mac: Relax The only thing on my bucket list is getting out of this building alive. Take care of that window for me, please.

Me and Jack break the window while mac does whatever mac does. Once he was done he handed one to Jack and pulled one on him.

Mac: your gonna have to be flush to me while we fall

Me: how flush im all curves

Mac: chest to chest and hold on tight

I nod and cling my arms to his neck and his arms went around me with the fire extinguisher to my back.

Jack: Any last words

We shake our heads and fall backwards out the window after a few seconds mac yelled

Mac: now!

He pulled the extinguisher and the body bag inflated. Then we landed and shit I couldn't breath. I was coughing and so was Jack and mac. I rolled off the mac and just tried to catch my breath.

Jack: hey, mac, ollie

Me/ Mac: Yeah?

Jack: I think I can cross pooping my pants off my bucket list.

I wheezed out a "gross." As we all laugh and Jack hugs his fire extinguisher.

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