Episode 2 Part 3

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We headed to the jet and I went to change since it's hot af there and I'm in black. I change into black shorts with a belt that is around my torso, with a crop top that shows off my boobs. I have my signature brown boots and my long brown hair pinned back. I walked out of the bathroom and sat in a seat across from the aisle from mac and just listened to them talk.

Mac:Jack Are you okay?

Jack: I was thinking about belarusm When those mercs had you and Sarah pinned down? Closest I ever came to coming home in a box. That woman is the only reason I made it home in time to say good-bye to my dad… Before he passed.

Mac: Hey, I told you.We'll find her.

Riley walked in from the pilots area

Riley: Pilot says we're 30 minutes from wheels down.

Jack: good.

Riley: You sure your contact knows where to find sarah?

Jack: Hey, since you're new, I'll let your lack of faith slide this time, all right?

Mac: Jack used to work in South America back in the day.

Me: Oh. Like when they invented fire.

Mac: A couple years after that.

Jack: Okay, when you're both done reminding me that I'm the only one here with wisdom, I'll tell you about my contact. Nothing happens in caracas without him knowing about it….Nothing. And luckily for you three, me and him are bffs.

Time Skip

Just before they got out to go to the bar, Mac pulled me aside."Stay in the car with Riley please." "What why?" "Because I said so and to make it up to you you'll come with me when we go get Sarah." "Ok." I nod and get in the passenger seat next to riley.

After a few minutes we saw the guy run out of the bar. So Riley drove and hit him with a car door.

Me: what? You told us to wait in the car. Technically, we did.

Mac just gave me a look while Jack looked proud. We get the info from him and we head to the site where Sarah was.

Riley: Your boy Julio was right. There's something going on in that dump. got live cameras, motion detectors, laser sensors.

Me: Definitely a black site.

Riley: If that means scary dudes doing scary things in a scary building then, yeah black site.

Mac: How did you do that?

Riley: I used signal strength to determine which wi-fi network was theirs, then used a rainbow table to reset the password and gave myself complete access.

Mac: Jack, I got her. There's sarah.

Riley: The good news is we found her.

Me: Bad news is there's no obvious way in.

Mac: Can you pull up an overhead sat image?

Riley: Yeah, give me a sec.

Jack:What are you thinking, mac?

Mac: Yeah, that. You see that? It's an elevator. Most hospitals have one straight from the alley to the morgue so the patients don't have to see dead bodies.

Me: It's our way in. Only one problem with your plan-- street-level access to that elevator is sealed by what can best be described as a giant metal plate bolted directly into the brick.

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