Chapter 8

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"Will you shut up?"

Donatello looks up from his computer. "Huh?"

Raphael's eyes do not leave his magazine. "You've been muttering under your breath for the past hour and it's starting to get on my nerves."

"You'll live."

"You won't for long if you don't cut that shit out."
He sighs. "Are you ever content with just leaving me be?"

"As your brother? No." He sets the article down. "You've been acting weird all week. Usually, I could not care less, but you wreck enough shit without the added benefit of being distracted."
He looks back at the screen. "So, I'm a ticking time bomb to you?"


He looks back at the screen as he tries to think of how to answer. "It's just that..."

"Oh, wait, don't tell me." He smirks. "You're all depressed because your girlfriend has a life."

He goes red. "I don't care if—she's not my girlfriend, first of all." His voice rises.

"Sure, sure." He stretches. "You know, typically, girls aren't into guys who obsess over them."

"Look, I'm worried about her!" He sets the computer down.

He blinks. "Why?"

"Are you kidding?" He throws his hands up in exasperation. "She killed a man!"

"Yeah," he nods, "and I'm pissed I wasn't the one to do it. What's your point?"

"True," he smiles cooly. "What you fail to consider, however, is that the rest of us aren't psychotic."

"I'm hurt." He places his hand on his chest. "I will have you know that I'm definitely sane."

"See, this is why nobody comes to you about their problems." He leans his head back. "You ask why I'm down, and you immediately give me a hard time."

They both turn their heads toward the entrance as their two other brothers walk back into the lair.

"How'd it go?" Raph gets up to meet them.

"You didn't miss anything." Leo sits down next to Donnie, glancing at his laptop before staring at the empty television screen. "Nobody was there."

"Really?" Donnie's eyes tear away from his computer screen. "Nobody?"

"Man, it was weird." Michelangelo stays standing. "It was, like, two bots and then nothin'."

"That is incredibly suspicious." The tallest brother saves his work. "You used the stuff, right?"

"Worked like a charm." Leonardo stretches. "So, what'd we miss?"

"Donnie bitching about not talking to his girlfriend for a whole week."

"Can it," he hisses.

"Donnie," his brother speaks from next to him, "I'm sure that Y/N is perfectly fine. If you're worried about her, you can and should go check on her."

He groans. "If it were that simple, I would've done that by now." He holds his head. "But what would I even say?"

He sighs, "I'm not going to say the same thing every time." He gets up. "Mikey, you try. I'm going to go meditate if anyone wants to join."

"Hey!" Mikey sticks his tongue out at him. "How come I have to do it?"
"Because Raphael is as cuddly as an eel."

Raph glares. "Do you wanna go right now?"

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