Chapter 9

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"How is she?"

Donatello sits down next to his brother on the couch. "Same as yesterday," he sighs. "Comatose."

"I still can't believe it," Raphael smirks. "That stupid bitch decided to total the fuckin—"

"Raphael," he promises coolly, "I will personally make it my life's goal to make sure you can never open your mouth again if you don't shut up."

He puts his hands up. "Yeah, yeah."

"Will you two be quiet for a minute? I'm trying to listen." Leonardo kneels in front of the television.

There is a new news story.

"They can't arrest her, can they?" The tallest brother glances at the others.

"Nah." Michelangelo is sprawled out on his portion of the couch, eyes dully focused on the screen. "They'll side with her before someone from a street gang, 'specially with those..." He trails off. "' Sides," he clears his throat, "any good public defense lawyer would call it self-defense, and there's no way the police would convict a teenage girl of any degree of murder with the injuries she has; bad press."

"Mikey," Leo asks, "how come you know that and not how to multiply numbers by seven?"

"Because seven is a stupid number that was created just to make us all feel stupid."


"He's right," Raph agrees. "They won't put her away for something like that." He chuckles darkly. "Besides, there's no more evidence."

"After what happened with the neurologist?"

"Donnie," Leo turns to look at him. "She's going to be fine."

He opens his mouth to argue, closes it.

" The perpetrator," the news anchor reads, " was found this morning after a panicked nine-one-one caller had seen the hand of the assailant hanging over a ledge. The corpse had, presumably, been flung away from the scene of the incident as a consequence of the explosion, miraculously landing on the roof of a nearby restaurant. The body has been identified as Fong Zhao, who was arrested on multiple charges of armed battery earlier this year. The police have refrained from offering Channel Six detailed information, but we have an anonymous source who claims that he and the gang he is supposedly involved in, locally referred to as the Purple Dragons, was also involved in the hijacking of a truck carrying a substance believed to be tear gas. The driver of the truck testified in favor of this statement earlier this evening. An investigation is currently ongoing regarding the involvement of the men in question, and we at Channel Six implore our viewers to come forward with any information you may have on the case or the supposed ringleader, the recently escaped Xever Montes. More on that later tonight. Up next, a local—"

Leonardo shuts off the television. "Well, there you go." He stands up. "See? Didn't even mention her name."

Donatello breathes out a sigh of relief. "Good," he nods after a moment. "That's... good." He cradles his head in his hand, his concerns hardly pacified by the report.

This, he cannot excuse. This is entirely a matter of his own negligence.

'I should've noticed sooner, insisted to come with.' He zones out, his brother starting a conversation about something he cannot bring himself to pay attention to. 'How could she be that reckless? It's Shredder for fuck's sake; I should've at least noticed the body or something, anything.' His fingers lace together as he stares a hole into the ground. 'Even if I couldn't have stopped her, I should've been there, if only after the fact.' He runs his tongue along his teeth absentmindedly. 'Some ninja I am. Some friend. Some—'

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