One Shot 1

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She sat down on my lap, arms wrapping gently around my neck as she nestled her face into the crook of my neck. Her legs wrapped around me as she pressed herself against my chest, breathing a soft breeze in my ear. "Hey," she mumbled softly. "Sup?"

It was still strange to me. Not bad. Extraordinary, almost, that she could find something like me comforting enough to hold this close, so close that I could feel her heartbeat against mine. Her voice was a song in it of itself, her eyes blindingly gorgeous, her lips...

"Nothing much." I wrapped my arms around her waist, leaning back on my bed as she clung onto me like I was life itself.

"Cool, cool." Her body relaxed against me as I ran my fingers through her hair softly. She traced the indentations of my shell almost absentmindedly. "Glad to hear it."

There was something oddly domestic about all this, her curling into me as we chit-chatted. After all that had been happening over the past few months, both of us were welcome to this kind of normalcy. It felt safe.

"Don't take this the wrong way," I smiled softly, "but you aren't usually this clingy. Is something up?"

She slid farther down my body, crossing her forearms and resting her chin on the barrier. "Missed you is all," she sighed. "Am I allowed?"

'Missed me. She missed me.' I felt my heart melt. "Encouraged, actually."

She pursed her lips, suppressing a laugh. "Did you miss me?" She slid back up, placing her hands on either side of my head as she hovered over me.

I grinned, leaning up and pressing my lips against hers. I felt her smile as she cupped my face in her hands, pulling herself closer to me. I pushed myself upright, leaning back against the wall as she straddled me properly, moving her hands to the back of my neck as she tugged gently at my lips. Her chap stick tasted of strawberries.

She pulled back, placing her hands on my thighs as she leaned back. Her face was flushed a gorgeous pink, her chest rising and falling gently. She cleared her throat, running her tongue deliciously across her lips. "I'll take that as a yes," she giggled. "Jeez, you were never this forward before."

"Wasn't I?" I fiddled with her jacket absentmindedly. "Right now, I don't remember."

She shook her head. "You wanted to be?" She placed her hands over mine. "I wouldn't have guessed."

I paused. 'She feels so real.' "Was I not passionate enough before? Be honest."

"Hm?" Her eyes widened. "Oh, shit, I didn't mean it like that." Her face flushed darker. "I just thought it was cool, you know? I didn't mean it as an insult."

I slipped my hands under her jacket. "I didn't take it as one," I sighed. "Just wonderin' is all."
She leaned forward, placing her chin back on my chest. "I think you were a pretty damn good boyfriend to me, personally." She shrugged. "I mean, I feel like I made my opinion on the matter very clear."

I smiled ruefully. "You did, huh?"

"I mean, I hope I did." She closed her eyes. "I wanted you to be happy, after all." She brought her arms up and under her head. "Obviously, I didn't do the best job in the world, but I think I did alright."

"Personally?" I twirled a lock of her hair around my finger. "I think you did an excellent job."

"Really?" She sounded almost confused by the statement. "But you're sad because of me. I didn't do my job right."

I rolled my eyes, smiling. "When did I ever make it your job to think about whether I'm happy?"

"When you asked me to be your girlfriend." She looked back up at me with her gorgeous eyes. "That's when I considered it official, anyhow."

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