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Sorry Its taken too long but it's because it took ages to put down this awesomeness!! Anyways here's Thomas!!



I got home feeling a bit drained, empty if you like. Who would've thought public school was so tough. I had to pick Olivia up from school which treated me to high pitch girl babble. I think she was saying how much she loved public school and made 'soo many great new friends!' Dear 'o' Lordy girls talk a lot. 

Today was really... Questionable. I mean at lunch today, when Sydney waved me over to her table, Ebony looked a little... Unwell, which got me worried a little. What? Just because some of those Neanderthals can't show affection towards women doesn't mean I have to stop. But anyway, as I neared the table Ebony looked worse by the second. I was about to ask her if she was ok but before I could open my mouth she made a bee-line for the nearest door. Shocked, I looked at Sydney but she was as shocked as I was. We ate in silence, her silent worry prominent throughout. 

Then the Neanderthal who bumped me earlier ran into the canteen with wild eyes. There was red on his collar, probably blood off a kid he just punched. He walked to our table, putting - more like slamming- his hands on it. He was panting, that's when I realised there was a couple holes in his neck, leaking blood. Sydney must've seen to because she squealed and tried backing away from the blood. 

"Ebony just tried to eat me!" he growled making sure EVERYONE heard. Sydney's eyes grew wide with disbelief bad a hint of disgust. Holy Mother Of Jesus Christ... That can't be true. I mean that guy hasn't got a single truthful bone in his body, well besides the one that pops out but that's inappropriate. The bell rang just as he was about to say something else, I made a dash for my locker to collect my things. 

I didn't believe a single word that came out of his mouth, it was too... Improbable. The rest of the day went by quickly, I didn't pay much attention so I don't really ow what happened. I hear dafter mourners about Ebony and what she did to the Neanderthal, apparently his name was Jason. But I ignored them and went back to my own world. 

Anyway, when entered my house I found mother in the kitchen cooking dinner.

"Hello mother." I said with a smile. She turned and smiled back at me while trying to uh, cut a chicken? I tried not to laugh at her feeble attempt.

"How was your day dear?" I told her the events of today, excluding the part when Ebony winked at me, and when I was done I excused myself so that I could freshen up before dinner. 

Once I'd made it up to my room I checked my mobile phone, I'd left it a home just in case there was any 'hoodlums' at school. Good thing there isn't so I can take it tomorrow. What I saw on my phone, however, was not what I'd expected. I'd had many text messages from the civilised people I used to know...

'why are you even allowed to live after what your parents did!!!'

'Go die within the swarm of the 'ordinary'!!!! '

'I always hated you anyway! '

'You should be stripped of your name O'Mally!! '

 I gripped my phone in my hands, not caring if it broke. They were my friends! My companions!  Obviously they weren't if they really thought this of you, come on you weren't that great of a friend anyway Thomas! It's not surprising that they've turned on you! 

"Aaarrrgggg!!!" I threw my phone at the wall out of white hot rage. It crashed, in pieces then landed on the floor. I stood there staring at it for a while. 

"Thomas! Thomas! You want hear what I got up to..." Olivia stopped short as she took in my posture. " More of them?" goodness my sister was beyond her years, her voice was low and somber, the opposite to her usual chirpy, lighthearted and happy tone. She looked like she'd grown 10 years older in that moment. I nodded and she came running to me, crushing me in a hug. I couldn't take it, I broke, I cried into my baby sister and she made it all feel better. I'm sure she has a gift with people. 

"We shouldn't let them do this to us Tommy, I mean we're O'Mally's, we shouldn't accept talk such as this!" Olivia said to me as we ended our hug. 

"Your right Liv, I shouldn't be worked up about them. So what were you going to tell me?" she perked up instantly. 

" I met soo many new friends today and one of them is coming round after school tomorrow! I already asked mother first so I'm not sneaky anyone round." she lightly pushed me, as if saying she knew what I'd say if she hadn't asked first. " Her name is Sofie, I think she said her sister went to your school too,but I don't know what her sister is called." her eyes lit up as a lightbulb went on in her head. " Ooooo I know!! When Sofie comes tomorrow, and also if her sister comes to pick her up, you'll be able to see who Sofie's related to!! " I chuckled softly, my sister knew how to babble. 

"Well I can't wait to see this new friend that you've taken such a shine for." I knelt down and hugged her. When I let go I stood and glanced at my mobile phone. "Maybe I should ask father for a new phone. Since we're both asking parents for things." We laughed as we left my room.  Liv said she was going to help mother set the table so I went on search for father, who-as usual- was in a study. I knocked on the door three times and waited for an answer. 

"Come in." I opened the door. 

"Hello father." He looked up from his mounds of paperwork. 

"Thomas, how was your day?" he looked back at his paperwork. 

"It went better then expected father, I had fun. I met some new people, they are really nice." He made a noise that acknowledged what I said. I tried to keep my appearance up and remembering why I did come here. I cleared my throat and asked; 

"Hey dad, can I have a new phone? I accidentally broke it." he looked up at me a little disapproving.

"What do you think we are? A money bank? If you want something in life you have to go be it yourself." He sighed. I was shrinking in confidence with every breath that went by. "I'll get you 1 phone, but if you break it again you will have to go and get a job. Understand?" I hid my smile and nodded. Mother shouted us for dinner which saved me from more 'chit-chat' with father. 

Mother made something called fried chicken breast with mashed potatoes... It was actually really nice. Who would've thought I had missed out on such good food. It was my turn to wash up and once I'd done I went to my room, got some pyjama bottoms and made my way to the bathroom. 

I took a quick shower to relieve my senses of today's events. Once I'd done I dried myself off, put my bottoms on and went to my room. As I lay down on my bed my thoughts found their way to Ebony. I drifted off to sleep, dreaming in quiet fantasies...

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