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The guy in front of me was beyond angry. His amber eyes turned a dark red like they did every time I made a mistake. I guess you could say Henri was about ready to rip my head off, which can I just say, I have no doubt he would not hesitate if it wasn't for his mission to shame my family as much as possible.

"The council will kill you." He had been repeating this for the past hour and a bit. I was waiting for the next bit which would come eventually. "And we can't have that now can we?"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Look you're King so persuade them to let me go." I wanted to add an 'again' onto the end of the sentence but his giant hairy face was already turning a deep plum colour.

"And let you get away with it? I could persuade them not to kill you but you shall be punished. This is one mistake too many. You're lucky that I managed to fix everything before it spread any further."

"So you sorted Jason out?"

Henri glared at me "You are very lucky, he caused some problems but yes his memory has been erased. Though I'm concerned about a certain boy who goes by the name Thomas O'Mally. Ring any bells?"

"Maybe. Maybe not." I shrugged remembering the boy Sydney introduced me to.

I saw the hand before I felt the slap "Don't mess with me Ebony. Now I'll ask again. Who is Thomas O'Mally?"

"I don't know. Some guy in my class." I spit out, my cheek still stinging from his evil touch.

Bringing his face so close to mine that I can see every purple vein that runs underneath his pale skin. "You better not be lying to me Ebony. Who knows what your punishment might involve and we don't want to get Sofie involved do we?" And with t5hat he twists his giant body around and vanishes. Finally going back to where he came from.

Sinking back against the sofa it takes all my strength not to scream in frustration. The need to destroy Henri is far greater now that he has threatened my little sister. I need a plan and fast.

By the next day I was a bag full of nerves, questions and a whole lot of doubts. School was fast approaching, I was honestly tempted to skip the day but if Henri found out Sofie would undoubtedly get hurt.

When the bell rang I shoved my nerves to the back of my mind and got out of my car. Nobody stared at me as I walked into the stone building which I took as a good sign. On the other hand when I entered my first class of the day Sydney and Thomas were sitting next to each other leaving me to sit next to some spotty boy who spends all of his free time in the library.

It was clear that Thomas was trying to steal my friend.

And we can't have that can we?

I need to destroy him somehow.

The closer to lunch we came the more certain he was trying to take Sydney away from me. He kept whispering in her ear and I didn't like it one bit. It took all I had to not run over there and slowly drain all his blood away.

When I arrived at our table at lunch I wasn't shocked to see him there. "I think we should do something abstract" Sydney was saying.

Thomas however wasn't listening, he was starting at me weirdly as I sat down at the bench. "What ya talking about?" I ask.

"Our art project. Me and Tom here were just discussing what we could do"

I nod knowing that Sydney would explode if I didn't respond after she answered my question.

"So Syd what were you saying about abstract?" Syd? SYD? She never let anyone call her Syd! Why did she just let him do that when she punched me when I called her that?

"Well we could do an abstract model or something" She started to dig around in her lunchbox tring to find her daily piece of fruit. She had a set routine at lunch bless her.

"Why don't you come over to my place so we can plan it more." Thomas suggested.

Sydney nodded as she munched. Once she had finished her mouthful of apple she asked "When should I come over?"

Thomas thought about it "Around 6? Would that work? I know my little sister has a friend coming over and my mother wouldn't mind one more to cook for. Oh that reminds me Ebony you're little sister is Sofie right?" He didn't wait for my answer and just plowed on "My mum says you can come pick her up around 9. Would that be okay?"

My sister was friends with his sister? Well this would be fun... not!

"6 sounds perfect. Hey would your mum mind if Ebony joined us? She has an eye for art even if she refuses to acknowledge it. Then she can walk me home at the same time" She added the last bit under her breath.

Thomas nodded eyeing her as she picked up a salad sandwich. The rest of the day passed like normal. Henri seemed good on his word and Jason seemed to leave me alone. All that was left was to survive Thomas's house.

Sofie was excited to say the least about visiting her new friend. Me on the other hand was dreading it. He seemed so.. posh? No that's not the right word. Above everyone else? Maybe. I don't know. He's different from your average kid I guess.

His house was a simple one. Clean and homely, The type of house I would want. A neat garden, the smell of roses, butterflies fluttering past. Sure it wasn't the huge mansion I was expecting but it was... strangely nice.

His mother opened the door. She also seemed nice welcoming us with a giant smile. "You must be Sofie, Olivia is upstairs." She pointed to the wooden staircase in the brightly-lit hallway "And you must be Ebony. Thomas and Sydney are also upstairs. Sydney is so nice, isn't she?"

I muttered an agreement. Sydney this, Sydney that. Is everything about Sydney? Was I jealous?

Jealous of what? I ask myself. That she has the mysterious new boy under her thumb? That can't be it. I'm not that petty. Am I?

The third step creaks as I place my foot on it. "Ebony? Is that you?" A female voice calls down.

"Yeah it's me, Sydney" I reply trying to keep all anger out of my voice.

"Second door on the right" A male voice commands. I follow his instructions and find myself in a immaculate room. A simple oak bed and wardrobe, A circular blue mat on the polished wooden floor. Sydney was sitting on the mat waiting expectantly for me while Thomas sat at his desk looking perfectly bored.

Sydney clapped her hands "RIght lets get this thing started shall we?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2013 ⏰

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