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Here's my awesome guy Thomas' point of view hope you like it and be sure to read some of the totally brilliant mind of the co-writer AleahMartin!! anyway i give you Thomas...

Love Chelsi xx


1 Year Later

“Thomas! Get your dairy aire down here now!” That’s my mother screaming at me to make me move from my currently comfortable position. I sighed as I tried to think of something worse that could happen then having to go where someone of my stature should never go, but nothing came. Just as I’d thought that my younger sister, Olivia, burst through my bedroom door taking a run-up and jumped, landing smack on top of me. As the air rushed out from me I tried shifting so that she wasn’t directly on top of my rib cage.

“!” I managed to say through gasping for breath. She shook her full head of auburn locks still atop of me. For a 10 year old she was very strong.

“Nope, not unless you get up big brother. Don’t make me do this all by myself.” She pleaded me with those big sweet hazel eyes. It was very hard to argue with eyes and a face like that, she had her bottom lip curled out and made her eyes look sad and desperate. Her hands were clasped together at her chest, aww she looked so young and sweet when she did that.

I groaned “Fine. Now will you get off of me?” she squealed and jumped off me, skipping out my door. You see my sister isn’t one to take kindly to rejection, so when she asks for something mother and father get it. She is very spoilt.

I rolled off my bed and went to the bathroom. I used to have my own bathroom but ever since we moved I’ve had to ‘share’ my space. I hate sharing, really I do but when my mother and father got shunned out of our community when people found out that they were a part in a huge bribe/ conspiracy we got kicked out of the only world I knew. You see we were part of the more...educated society. Now I’ve been reduced to commoners and worst of all... public school. The very thought had me resisting the urge to puke.

I mean public school has greasy, fatty foods; open shower rooms, unsanitary toiletries and Neanderthals as students. I can handle the homework and curriculum but anything else is just too much to ask me to do.

“Thomas! Don’t make me shout for you again!” mother was calling for me again. I sighed as I made my way back to my pathetic little room. I made sure that I beat my little sister to the bedroom with a small, but quaint balcony that over- looked the back garden and also a few of the neighbours back yards. I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out a pair of black trousers and a smart shirt. Just because everyone else at that god forsaken school has to dress inappropriately doesn’t mean I do. I put on my sensible steel toe- capped shoes and started pulling a comb through my short (ish) red hair. I begged my parents time and time again to let me change my hair colour but my mother said that we should be proud of who we are and keep our heads held high etc etc... that kind of stuff.

I walked down the near-by stairs into a small pitiful kitchen.

“Hallelujah! He awakes!” My father gestured in my direction. I bowed in reply to his sarcasm.

“Yes it is hard to believe I know, but here I am.” I said while taking a place at the breakfast table in the adjoining room. My mother quickly placed a plate of mashed up eggs and toast in front of me. I looked at it quizzically at the plate.

“Mother, what is this?” she stared at me as though I’d grown two heads.

“Why its scrambled eggs on toast dear, it’s what most people eat for breakfast.” She said it as though it wasn’t a big deal. Most people? Most people! Jesus Christ my own mother, the head strong, stubborn woman is reducing us all to what ‘normal’ people eat?! I rose from the table and got an apple from the fruit basket.

“I don’t think I’ll have time to eat breakfast mother. It’s getting late and I must be getting to school.” I forced the word school out of my mouth with as little scorn as I could muster. “Olivia, we best be heading off to school now so either you get a ride with me or you’re going to have to make your own way there.” I turned to face Olivia who was sat at the small dining room table, stuffing her face with ‘scrambled eggs on toast’. She looked up at me with a shocked expression on her face.

“Are you coming or not?” I asked getting irritated. She nodded and quickly got her stuff to follow me to my car. Thankfully I still managed to retain some dignity in this new lifestyle. I got into my BCS, for those who don’t know what car that is it is a Bentley Continental Superports. God I love this car. Olivia got into the back seat behind my chair, she was still too small to sit in the front to her disappointment.

“Tommy?” she used her nickname for me when our parents weren’t around. They hated her pet name for me but I thought it had a ring to it. “Why are you so eager to get to school all of a sudden?”

“I don’t want to start eating like a commoner a few days after we are forced out of our home Olivia. I want to keep some of my dignity even if it does mean I have to go to a public school.” I spat out my last sentence with a clear sense of hatred. I saw Olivia flinch at the harshness of my words, I immediately regretted sounding so angry.

“I’m sorry Libby, I didn’t mean to snap like that.” She recovered and flashed her sweet, innocent smile at me.

“It’s ok Tommy. I understand, but you have got to try that dish mother gave us this morning. But only when you are ready to accept that this is our new life now, we aren’t going back to the life we once had and it isn’t our fault either. So stop blaming yourself and just get on with taking me to school like a normal big brother.” Jesus, this little girl that is my baby sister was talking to me as though I was her little brother and not the other way around. She was soo incentive that you wouldn’t know she was 10 years old. She was a strong girl who was just amazing to have as a baby sister.

I straightened in my seat. “OK, let’s do this. Shall we dearest little sister?” her smile widened and I found that I too was smiling like a 10 year old. She nodded excitedly and I started the car.

I drove her to her new school and she skipped towards what looked like the front entrance, other children staring at her in awe and curiosity with the odd look of disgust. I growled at the thought of people looking at her like that and the thought of her being treated badly. I drove away before I could give that child a piece of my mind.

5 or so minutes later I was in a parking lot to a 3 story building with people scurrying into it in groups. It looked rather modern and possibly bigger on the other side then it was at the front. I looked around the lot for a decent spot to park in only to make a U-turn and park at the very end furthest away from the entrance. Lovely, I thought. I got out of my blue beaut, with a few curious looks in my direction. I put on my sun glasses and walked, while keeping my head held high, to the front entrance.

OK, let’s get this over with.

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