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Sorry it's been a while since we've (I've) updated, we write at different speeds ;). But there is a silver lining; we have contact! I have finally done Thomas' POV lol here goes nothing...

Love Chelsi xx


I made it to reception and was greeted by an old woman. If she could be called that. She had grey hair and was stumpy looking, although it could be because she was in a chair behind a rounded desk. She looked up at me and gave me a once over, causing me to puff myself up more to prove my superiority to her.

"What can I do for you?" Oh this lady was not as old as she looked, her voice still had its feminine smoothness unlike what most old people sound like.

" I'm Thomas O'mally, I'm the new transfer student." she nodded and picked up a small file with my name on it.

"Here you are, your locker combination, timetable and a map. The first period will start in 10 minutes, I suggest you make your way there."

"Thank you very much." I said as I took the sheets and made my way into the main building.

Oh shortcakes, this is disgusting! Was the first thing I thought when I went through the double doors. Damn this place needed a cleaner, or a hundred, with that horrible grey tinge on the walls. How can that even be a shade of paint it looks like grime. Egh but don't get me started on what the 'children' are wearing. Most of the boys were wearing hipsters and for the ones who were some what 'cooler' they wore them half way down their behind. The girls, which I assume are the cheerleaders or mildly popular wore short (ish) skirts/shorts with far to revealing tops. Although there was the odd few that wore suitable attire.

I was pushed back into reality by a rather large looking boy.

"Hey watch it!" he said like a Neanderthal. I tried by very best not to prove how much I was looking where I was going and he was the one who bumped me.

Anywho, I took a look at the sheets the old woman gave me and decided to look for my locker first. 219, that's the number of my locker.

A lot of odd stares and glares later I found my locker by one of the girl toilets. Egh lovely. The old lady gave me a key for it which was different but not irregular. But when I opened it, God it was a state. So much so I closed it abruptly and walked off. I slowed as I remembered I had no idea where I was going. I grabbed the pieces of paper the lady gave me and saw that my first lesson was art. Hmm not bad.

I do like art I might even go so far and saying I was the next greatest artist, but thats just me.

Room: Mrs Maloney. Maloney? What a strange name...

A second bell sounded just as I entered the art room causing everyone to look at me. I marched to the front desk to where the teacher was situated and introduced myself. Luckily she hadn't started teaching yet.

"Good morning Mrs Maloney, my name is Thomas O'mally I'm the new transfer student." she lifted her head up from her desk. She had deep brown hair pulled into a bun and a pair of light brown eyes to match.

"Good morning Thomas, may I call you Tom? Or do you prefer Thomas?" she asked. I was stunned at her question but looked indifferent.

"You can call me Tom if you like." there were a few giggles erupting from behind me but I took no notice. She nodded.

"Very well, Tom you can work with Sydney, she hasn't got a partner but now that your here you might as well pair up." she gestured towards a petit looking girl with light brown hair. She had a widely bright smile on her face as she waved at me. I returned her smiled and made my way through the desks to sit next to her  

"Hiya, I'm Sydney." I think I heard a hint of cockney in her voice but I wasn't sure. I also noticed that Sydney has blue eyes with a grey tinge to them, quite nice really and appealing to any boy/man.

"Hello Sydney, I'm Thomas. You can call me Tom." I extended my hand to her and she took it lightly but firmly.

"Right guys, now that we've all got partners exam start on our new art project." Mrs Maloney came from around her desk and started pacing around the room. "This project is most likely going to take you 1 month to finish. You'll need to research 4 different types of artists and in the end you will produce a collage containing the 4 different  styles you chose. Got it?" A chorus of yes' and nods came from the students. "Alright, you may begin." 


I have to say not much working went on during the lesson. Sydney and myself were just going on about casual stuff, which felt good. Real good. I felt free and couldn't care less about what mother or father thought.

Sydney told me about her friend uh Ellie? Or was it Ebony? Ah well it began with an E anyway. I have break now so I'm giving myself a guided tour of this... School.

The bell went as I rounded a corner. I have... Wait let me look... Maths next with a Mr Kenwood. Another unusual name. What is it with these people and strange names?

When I got to maths Sydney was at the back waving frantically at me. I gave her a slight wave and went to Mr Kenwood at his desk.

"Good morning sir. I'm Thomas O'mally I'm the new transfer student." He nodded and lifted his head.

"You can sit in front of Ebony for today Thomas." that's what her name was! I had my own little eureka moment. I walked over to the. Seat in front of Ebony and waited for class to begin. There was a tapping on my shoulder and I turned to see Sydney was the culprit.

"Hey." she said smiling at me." This is Ebony, my friend I was telling you about." I turned to look at a girl with long black hair, I gave her a curt nod and went back to Sydney. 

"So what do you think we should do for our art project together?" I wasn't sure if it was me or the fact that she was swooning? Was she swooning?

"Hmmm, I think we should do Picasso or Donatello. The Italian artist are quite talented. There is also Leonardo Da Vinci, Wassily Kandinski (pronounced Vassily) and of course Vincent Van Gogh." Sydney took a worried glance at Ebony.

"You okay, Ebony?" Ebony looked a bit frustrated. Most likely because her friend interrupted her train of thought.

"I'm fine." she replied.

"Okay class, turn to page 127." Mr Kenwood instructed. I got handed a book and opened it.

The lesson was kind of boring. I was glad when the bell for lunch rang. Sydney had to nudge Ebony to tell her. She must have been in deep thought for her not to have heard the bell.

I wondered through the corridors searching for my locker, again.

I was nearly at the girls lavatories that meant my locker wasn't far when I saw that husky boy that nudged me earlier. He was towering over a girl I couldn't see. He moved slightly and I saw Ebony.

Okay, this looks... Oh my Goodness! Did she just wink at me?! This caused the guy to look back at me.

Head straight Thomas, I told myself, get to your locker and don't do anything stupid.

I reached my locker in dismay. I sighed and made my way to the lunch hall

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