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Here you go another chapter from the one and only Ebony. So sit back and enjoy :)



"WAIT!! He what?!" Sydney was practically crushing her sandwich in her fists.

"I know right... and I can't believe that I did that to what-ever his name was" I buried my head deeper into my hands.

"Thomas? I would have loved to see that though"

"Not helping" I growled resurfacing from my hands.

Sydney's smile faltered before it grew even wider than before "Look who's coming"

I spun around just in time to see Thomas enter the canteen. Great, just my luck. I took one look at Sydney and already know she was planning something "Don't you dare..."

"Hey Thomas" Sydney waved to him "Come sit with us"

"Sydney" I whispered as a wave of dizziness hit. Damn... not now... why now?

"What's up?" She asked concerned "Is it..."

"I'm sorry but I have to dash" I stood up abruptly as another wave of dizziness hit. I needed to get out of a place with this many people. It had been happening for a year and a half now and I'm so lucky it only happens once a month.

I made it outside just as another wave of dizziness rolled through my system. It wouldn't be long until this dizziness changed to something much worse. I knew I was getting some strange looks but I don't care. I grabbed the nearest boy and dragged him down a alleyway.

"Whoa Ebony" Jason joked "You had a sudden change of heart?"

My fangs protruded as I brought his head closer to mine. Very carefully I lowered my fangs and pierced his neck. His blood tasted of sweat but that didn't matter, when a vampire needs blood they get what they can.  Jason struggled, trying to wriggle out of the situation, but it only made the blood run quicker.

Slowly I removed my fangs and he slumped to the floor. I didn't take that much blood, Jason was just being a wimp. Carefully I leaned down so I was face to face with him. I clicked my fingers but his eyes didn't go hazy like they should. Desperately I clicked my fingers again and again. For some reason I can't erase his memory. I stood up and ran, only one thing on my mind. Henri is going to kill me.


My life is officially over. I'm going to die. Sydney just rang me. She was panicking because Jason was telling everyone that I was abnormal and a cannibal. Apparently after Jason had stopped being such a wimp he had gone straight to the headmaster and told him everything and now they were hunting me down. Not that they will ever find me.

"Where are you? Please tell me Ebey?" I knew I was in trouble when she used my nickname that Sofie used.

"I can't Syd. They want to kill me"

"You're not really a cannibal? Are you Ebey?" She asked, even down the phone her fear was evident.

"Of course not"

"Tell me where you are"

"I already said I can't Syd, I'm sorry"

She hung up on me leaving me alone, crouching in the kitchen of a derelict house just down the road from the school. Nobody could enter unless they knew of the secret entrance in the upstairs bedroom, and the house has been empty for while now so there was no chance of anyone finding me. Suddenly I caught a wiff of an unusual smell, It was a mixture between the sweet smell of lavender and the metallic smell of blood coming from one of the rooms upstairs. I could tell from the light sound of footsteps someone was here. I was not alone as I had originally thought...

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