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Heya people, welcome to the first chapter of Struggles of the Rich. I have the honour of writing the first chapter so lets begin :)

Aleah xx


The citizens were lining the street, some with guns, some with swords, other were just baring their fangs. In the crowd were some faces I recognised. Friends... who now want me dead. That thought terrifies me. I want to wake up from this nightmare. Yet no matter how many times I pinch myself,, the scene in front of me remains my reality. I want to cry but it would just make them hate me more. In a world of vampires only the weak cry and I certainly wasn't weak. "What do we do" my little sister, Sofie wailed burying her face into our mother's silky nightdress.

"Shh child, be strong" she strokes Sofie's hair trying to calm her.

"There is nothing we can do" Our father growled "Henri? Show yourself" A ripple of murmurs pass through the growing crowd as they moved apart revealing Henri Marshall. The beast of a man was my father's most trusted court members. From what I remember his decisions was always fair, though I always had a dislike from him. At 6 foot 7 he towered over my family and with the body mass of a bull he probably weighed more than us as well. Every time he looks at me his amber eyes shine with malice and he always had a large toothy smile... which unfortunately didn't help with his image as he was missing three teeth and the rest were rotten.

"Ah you found me" He snarled

"I wasn't looking for you" My father said baring his fangs

"I've come to collect my... what belongs to the people" Henri took a step forward.

"Oh really?" My father smirked at him "You decided to wake my family up at half two in the morning to tell me that?"

"Yes" Henri replied raising an eyebrow at my father

"We all know that you want the crown, Henri!" My mother spoke up

"Maybe..." He spoke in a condescending voice.

"Over my dead body" The King growled at the bigger man

"Trust me, you won't be king by tomorrow afternoon" He laughed, nodding to someone. There was some veiled threat in his words but I couldn't think about it too much as a sharp prod in my back forced me to move.

We were forced through the city. It seemed like all the population had gathered to spit and jeer at us. Even our relatives had turned up. My uncle spat in his brothers face while trying to grab my mother. Luckily father pulled her out of the way in time. They were leading us to the looming tower of government. The giant stone building stood directly in the centre of the city.

We were pushed into the tower as a small child ran out of the crowd. "No!" he cried and his flustered mother dragged him back to his family. They were the last people I saw as the heavy wooden doors closed.

"Time to end it, where it all began" Henri gives us his signature smile.

"What is that suppose to mean?" My mother asks, glaring at the monster in front of her.

"My dear, don't you know? This is where..." He started stepping closer to her

"Henri?" A voice called "It is ready"

"Your chambers await" Henri forced us into a darkened room before we heard metal clang. "I'll be here to pick you up soon". My eyes adjusted to the light quickly, an advantage of being a vampire. My sister was curled up in my mother's lap falling into, what I hope is, a peaceful slumber. My Father sat in the corner, his head was in his hands. He was being weak unlike my mother. I had always thought of my Father as strong and fearless. Yet now he faced an uncertain future, it had drained him. My Mother had no comforting words for us, but she stayed strong. She did not cry like my Father instead she held her head high. I lost track of time, as minutes turned to hours. We sat in silence unsure of the future. One thing I know for sure, is that right now we are safe... together.

Eventually someone remove some cover, letting in light into our sanctuary. Our sanctuary, a steel cage was pushed up against some wall hidden in some alcove. Though we could see the rest of the room. It was a gigantic oval. The walls were noting but seats filled with people. Henri opened the cage and roughly pulled my Mother and Father out of the cage. The crowed booed and jeered at them as they came into sight. Henri dragged them to the centre of the room.

Henri waited until the crowd calmed down before speaking. "Dear people of the Vampire Realm, I give you The King and Queen." His words we accompanied by more boos. Once again he waited for them to die down before turning to my parents "You have been accused of Tyranny"

"What ever he has told you is lies" My Mother shouted

"Do you believe her, the accused or me the one that has worked for them for years?" I saw through Henri's plan. He was trying to get the crowd to lust for our blood, so he would have an excuse to kill us.

"You" The crowd cried back.

"What should we do to them?" He asks them

"Death" The crowd screamed back.

"Then death shall be their punishment" Henri smiled at them.

"Go. To. Hell" My Mother spat at him

"No, I think you are" He replied casually pulling a gun out of his pocket. I let out a cry as my Mother fell to the ground. I heard Sofie sobbing beside me.  My brave Mother was dead. Hatred filled my body. Hatred for my father, for doing nothing but watch as they slaughtered his wife. Hatred for the crowd, for believing the lies Henri fed them. Hatred for Henri, the coward who hid behind lies. "Now, for your supposed King!" He shot my Father in his stomach. Standing over my father who now lay on the floor in a puddle of blood. "Should I show him mercy? Should I just kill him now? Hmmm or should I let him suffer? Like he let you suffer?" Henri was practically bouncing in excitement.

"Death" The blood hungry crowd roared.

"Fine" He sighed pointing a gun at my Father's head "It would appear that they hate you". One bullet. One single bullet to the head caused my Father to join my Mother in the afterlife. Sofie was full on crying as Henri forcefully dragged us out of the cage. He dumped us in the middle of the floor in a puddle of our parents blood. The crowd chants for our death. "NO!" He shouted making them stop "I have a special punishment for these two. They will live with the memories of their evil parents"

"My Parents, were not evil, you're the evil one" I spat at him.

"Ohhh a feisty on" He laughed "You will go and stay with an old family friend... In the Mortal Realm" The crowd cheered at the thought of us living in the realm of mortality, a place us immortals did not belong. Two strong hands grabbed my as we were led away to who knows where. All I could think of was:

I want my Parents back. I want my Leaders back. Henri Marshall has stolen them from me. Revenge will be mine...

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