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I walked through the double doors of school, commonly know as a teenagers hell. This school totally filled the requirements to be classed as hell with it's dull grey walls and grimy windows not to mention that it is full of hormonal humans. Which is not good for a Vampire, let me tell you. All the fresh blood at your fingertips, it takes a lot, and I mean a lot, of patience and self control not to pounce on the nearest human and suck them dry. There have been several times over the past year that I have wanted to do that and then there was the curious case of Darren Scott. Well it would be curious, if I hadn't been the cause of his disappearance... It was an accident, I swear. His blood just smelt so good...

Anyway I'm rambling, let me get back to the story so here I am walking through the corridor towards my friends when my sensitive ears hear about some new guy. Apparently his name is Thomas O'Mally or something according to Tracie Jordan, the 'prettiest, smartest, most talented girl to walk the planet'. Well that is what her so-called-friends call her. I call her a life size Barbie. Now don't get me wrong this isn't a cliche situation where we hate each other. We just have a understanding, I avoid her and she avoids me. It could be something to do with the fact I accidentally bared my fangs at her when she called me a 'Cow' and a 'Female Dog' on my first week here.

"Ebony! Over here!" My best friend Sydney called over. I nodded to let her know that I heard her. Pulling down the sleeve of my cardigan, I walked over to her. I didn't want her to worry about the bruises that I have on my arm.

"Hey Syd" I said smiling at her.

"Have you heard..." She bubbled with excitement

I rolled my eyes "Yeah we have a new guy"

She grabbed my shoulder and squealed with happiness, like every time she had 'important' news to tell me "No, and Yes. We do have a new guy and guess what... Tracie and Jason broke up... coincidence, I think not"

"The split was coming for a long time" I tried to reason with her.

"Yeah but rumor has it that Tracie already has sunk her claws into him" She nodded knowingly

"Tracie has her claws in every guy according to you" I told her. Her chocolate brown eyes widened as she tried to think of something to say so I changed the subject "It's your 17th tomorrow isn't it?"

"Yeah" She smiled gratefully at me.

"Guess what I brought you" I teased

Her eyes lit up in excitement "What?"

"Guess..." I smirked at her

"Umm... Chocolate?" She asked

"Nope" I said popping the 'p'. I was saved by the bell.

"Tell me later" She said skipping off to her first lesson. We had electives first. She has Art and to be honest I'm a terrible artist so I took French. I love how when I talk French Sydney has no idea what I'm saying, she gets so confused. Unfortunately the French room is all the way across on the other side of the building and Mr Morgan isn't the best person to get on the wrong side of. It's times like this that I want to use my super vampire speed but it's too risky, last time I tried Henri found out...

The late bell rang just as I took my seat. Inserting my ear buds I prepared for 50 minutes of sleep.  As long as I wasn't late and wasn't caught I can do anything I like. I pass every French exam. You see I'm fluent in 4 different languages including gibberish. In fact I pass most lessons apart from Art and Geography. Languages and History though are my speciality's. What can I say? I'm a nerd. As Mr Morgan starts his lecture, I look around the room. It's dull grey walls match the rest of the school. The navy blue carpet fills even the most brave-hearted of souls with dread. Most of the students aren't even listening to Mr Morgan they're either texting on their phone on sending notes to each other. Mr Morgan makes us work hard for the rest of the lesson. I pleased to say whoever the new boy is, he doesn't share French with me.

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