Blood Is Thicker Than Water

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Necalli's point of view

Quiet squabbling pulled me out of the dark recesses of my mind. Whimpers and low growls were accompanied by the huffing of breath in annoyance. Slowly I stretched out my awareness and began the long grueling process of waking up. Slowly rolling over onto my side I grimaced in pain, my muscles felt like they were flogged with bricks. The sounds that earlier woke me were quickly becoming louder. My eyes snapped open and my body flung itself across my expansive tent before my mind made the decision to move. Mica had taken over my body while I was still in my sleep induced state. My hands were pinning down a middle aged woman to the ground and I had my knee on her stomach to keep her from moving. There was a pinching sensation in my eyes and I knew that Mica was showing the woman that she was very much in control. Snarls filled the air making me wonder where they were coming from.

"I'm sorry Alpha, I was only trying to change the children's clothing. Please don't be angry! I would have taken them to the waterfall but they insisted that they be near you." The woman wheezed her words out and I realized the growling was coming from me. I swiveled my head around assessing the situation and the four huddled bodies in the corner of my tent.

"That must be why Mica was throwing a fit and why I have this poor woman on the ground." I assumed that Mica was just being protective over her 'pups'. Looking at the three little children and seeing that they were in fact intact made me jump up. Quickly removing my knee and hands from the woman, I got onto my feet again.

"I am terribly sorry, I was sleeping and Mica thought you were hurting her pups. I did not mean to cause one of my pack members' harm. Especially if they are willing to help me take care of the little ones, please forgive me." I held out my hand to the woman and helped her off of the ground.

"Oh, well thank you. I'm sorry for startling Mica and yourself from your sleep. My name is Bethany; I saw what had happened two days ago with that other wolf. I knew that the children had no one to watch them while you were recovering from the battle, so I took over the position. I hope you don't mind, Alpha. You see, I had lost my seven year old in a pack war before I came to you. I have wanted children ever since." Bethany blushed at the end of her speech and I knew that she and I would get along nicely in the future.

From what I remember from her joining the pack she was twenty-seven now. She has long red hair and almond shaped eyes that glowed a cat eye green. Pale skin wrapped around a trim and fit figure that came from countless hours of running and training with the pack. Bethany was special in many different ways then what many people would believe.

Even though this is a werewolf pack it doesn't mean that I discriminate from other were species. Werewolves are not the only creatures out there that can maintain a human form and an animal form. Twenty years ago scientists got a hold of some rouge werewolves and decided to conduct experiments on them. They wondered if they could duplicate the gene that allows us to change and place it in other species. The scientists ended up creating hybrid werecats, Black panthers to be exact. They snatched regular humans from the streets that they saw had potential to carry the gene. The scientist picked people that wouldn't be missed, mostly homeless people. The experiments got loose from their enclosures ten years after the experiments started and have been free roaming ever since. Fortunately the High council quickly disposed of the scientists and their research before any more damage could be done.

Bethany was one of the lucky werecats that escaped from their imprisonments. She had no pack, no pride, and no home. When the scientists took her she was a homeless person that lived in an abandoned warehouse with others. I found her one day wandering through the woods on one of my weekly hunts for food. After she escaped she ran for weeks through the woods trying to scrounge up food and find shelter. She was starved, scared and her panther side was ready to take over at any second to attack. I knew it was pure luck that I had found her before any hunters did and killed her for her pelt.

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