Mother Hens

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*drawing done of the white moon packs tattoo.

So you all know that I was hidden in the trees to keep Bane and Aaron from finding me. After that they hunted for months trying to catch me but they never did. I was extremely smart for a child but I also had Mica to thank for that. Mica is my wolf, she appeared to me the night of my parents death. Every child born of werewolf blood is blessed with a wolf spirit by the moon goddess to guide the child through their life.

The trauma and pain of my parents death broke down the barrier that separated me from my wolf. Mica spoke to me and comforted me. She stopped me from jumping out of the tree to run to my parents. Without Mica I would have been slaughtered like my parents, or worse, taken captive.

Of course my parents had explained to me what getting my wolf would be like so that I knew what to expect. If you heard a voice suddenly appear in your head you might freak out a little. Okay who am I kidding? You'd commit yourself to the loony bin if you had no idea what was going on.

You see, normal kids don't get their wolves until they have shifted which happens at the age of fourteen. I got mine at age six and shifted two years after that at age eight. By the time I shifted Mica and I were fully connected and there are many perks to us being so close. Like now for instance.....

*** Present Day***

I was running through the woods. My nails dug into the dirt letting me gain traction, the wind was flowing through my hair making shivers run down my spine. The earth was soft against my padded feet as I whirled through the trees. The air smelled of earth with hints of fresh rain adding to it, creating a heavenly aroma. In this moment I am free and in total bliss. Until I hear an ear piercing scream assaulting my overly sensitive ears.

I jolt out of my dream and sit straight up in my bed. Sweat starts to break out on my forehead and along the back of my neck.

"What the heck!?" I think, wondering if I dreamed it. But then I heard the high pitched wail again.

"Alpha!" I hear my Beta call from outside my tent. There is anger and worry laced into his voice, which causes instant panic to run through my body. I grab my jeans and slide them on while running out the the opening of my tent. I hear the soft sound of tearing flesh as my fingernails grow into one inch claws that are thick and rounded at the tips. I barely feel the pinch in both my eyes and I know that Mica is present and watching the world through me. One of the many perks to being close to my wolf is that I can halfway transform while still being in my human body. Like with my eyes changing color and my nails taking on claw form.

I run through the maze of tents until I reach the edge of our camp. With eyes the color of steel I look upon the sight of two werewolves in wolf form battling each other. For a moment I was mesmerized like I always am in the midst of battle. The grace that these two wolves carried while still being vicious amazed me. One was larger than the other by almost a foot in height. Clearly the larger wolf was of some rank because of his size and he was slightly more graceful than the other. My guess was probably a beta; second in command. Black fur with silver streaks peppered his thinning coat.

The smaller wolf was a copper color that shined in the light like a freshly polished penny. He had thick hair that was long and glistened. Both wolves were covered in blood and had matted hair because of it.

My Beta Brian was trying to pull them apart with no prevail. I see a small girl on the ground crying with two children huddled to her side. They all shared the same brown hair and stunning emerald green eyes. From a first glance you can see the large purple splotches that mark their flesh but if you look again you can see the yellow smudges of old bruises scattered on their bodies like neon paint splattered on a white canvas. The girl looked to be about twelve and the two younger boys were possibly five. All three wore cloths with holes in them. With each move that someone made towards them they would flinch until that person retreated.

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