It's A Dog Eat Dog World

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*Photo of Maddie on the side*

I fell into a defensive stance, crouching slightly. I pulled my lips back to show my elongated canines that were itching to tear out this man's throat for touching my pups.
"No! Not my pups Mica." I yelled at Mica for trying to convince me we should keep them.
"I claim them!!!" Mica yelled defiantly back at me.
"What? we'll talk about this later. We have more important things to deal with." I was baffled at how much this meant to her. When a female wolf claims a pup she will do whatever it takes to keep and nurish it.
"Yes, like protecting our pups." Mica held a smug tone in her voice.
"Gahhhhh. Shut up." I groaned at Mica and once again focused on the two men in my presence. Brian was standing by my side making this mysterious trespasser do a double take. Brian stands at a tall six foot and two inches.

To say he was a big guy was an understament. It was actually one of the reasons I chose him as Beta. He has more than enough muscle to spare a little to every foot soldier I command and still have some left. His face contains a set of blue eyes that can be cool and refreshing or as hard as ice with thick brown locks to top it off. Even I would'nt want to play tug of war with this wolf, or ever cross him in a dark alley.

My eyes scanned the stranger in front of me. He was older, I'm guessing in his late forties. Time seemed to have treated him well, but that was more than likely the werewolf anti-aging gene in him. He was thick in build but not nearly as massive as Brian. He had the body of someone who paid a good chunk of money for a personal trainer and spent three times a week in the gym. He even sported the beginning lines of a six pack that were barely defined. His eyes were a cold grey color that were devoid of emotions. His hair and neatly trimmed beard were black with silver streaks that almost looked intentional. If I would have caught him in his environment of choice I would bet five big ones he'd be wearing a tailored suit. Everything about this man screamed expensive and arrogant.

Brian heard my thoughts through the pack link and chuckled. "Ya, he also screams the word dic-" He said to me while he continued to laugh.

"Brian!!" I yelled at him before he could finish his sentence.

While I was mentally grappling with my wolf, Brian had tossed the man the second pair of shorts. I need to find out this guys name so I can stop calling him "the man".

"What's your name?" I asked putting a hint of power behind my words in case he wanted to be smart with me.

"Trenton Carter, multi billionaire, and Beta of the Silver bloods pack." Trentons voice was acid in the air and a smirk fell onto his face. This was to cause fear in his victims but I just started laughing. Was this poser serious?

"Like I care. I do not see the reason for you trespassing on my land. Therefore I will kill you. I will enjoy it too. One thing though, will you put up a fight for me? I like a challenge." If Trenton really was Beta of the Silver bloods Pack then I may kick start my plans into action too soon. My rouges were already powerful. They would be able to take on my parents pack in a fight undoubtedly. The only reason I held back was because this guy could go to the council and alert every werewolves in the U.S. of my whereabouts. Including Aaron and Bane. I don't want to reveal my location just yet. Looks like I'm going to have to kill him anyways if I want to keep myself a secret. "You really think I'm scared of the 'unstoppable' white wolf?" Trenton laughed at his threat. I was shocked that he knew of me. Most people would just play it off as nothing important. He knew what I was, meaning the Aaron and Band have informed more people than I originally thought about me. Ergo my pack is in serious danger.

"Kill him Necali. We can't let Silver Bloods hurt the rouges. Or our pups!" Mica whined at me while trying to take control and make me shift into wolf form. I held her back taking every ounce of concentration not to let Mica tear Trenton to shreds.

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