I Die For Five Minutes And You...

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Bright lights. My vision was attacked with light. As if I had been in the dark for too long and suddenly LED lights were shining on me. I quickly closed my eyes against the assault. Darkness comforted me again and I was content to stay that way. That is until my ears started to pick up the noises of the world.

"She's awake! Brian, she opened her eyes. Her heart rate is increasing. She's back." I heard Bethany's voice ring out through my mind. Relief poured through my third in command's voice like a river.

My eyes flew open when I heard her speak. Light invaded my sight again, overwhelming me. My eyes squinted while trying to dialate. Immediately the light moved away and I was able to see my surroundings.

Bethany and Brian's happy faces were the first thing that became clear. Strong arms snaked around me and lifted me slightly off the bed.

"Don't you ever do that to me again! I was worried sick. I thought you were dead when I found you on the ground. Aaron was lying right next to you. There was so much blood." Brian's voice turned from hard steel into a hushed whisper by the end if his speech. I reached my arms up off the cot I was on and hugged him back slightly amused.

"Yee of litte faith. You didn't think your Alpha, badasss white wolf, couldn't handle a few scratches? Pshhh. Brian, shame on you." My entire body shook with laughter at his baffled expression. I could see Bethany trying hard but failing terribly at containing her chuckles as well. "But seriously, I'm okay. I feel fine. Now where is Axel?"

Brian pulled away from me slowly, both of their faces turning grim. They shared a look between eachother knowing I wasn't going to like the answer.

"He's in the nextdoor room. He's sleeping right now, trying to heal. His leg was badly injured and four ribs were broken. A rouge caught him by surprise when he turned his back to help another pack member in the fight." Brian broke the news slowly to me, gauging my reaction. Bethany jumped in quickly, seeing my horror stricken gaze.

"He's okay though, being relentless actually. Doc doesn't want him up until he's healed more and he won't shut up about seeing you." I began laughing because that is so Axel. To a 't'.

My next question came out then. "How long have I been in here?"

"Two days. They brought you here as soon as they found you." The door opened and I saw a man walk into the room with a white lab coat on and a stethoscope hanging around his neck. I sat up quickly, not wanting anyone else to see me in a weakened state. Even if it is a doctor.

"Hello Alpha, I am the council's pack doctor, Miles Wilconson. My associates and I have been seeing to the injuries of your pack. I assure you all are stable and are being well taken care of." Miles smiled warmly at me and comforted my worries. The amount of relief I felt at knowing my pack was safe and being taken care of was astounding. Mica was also comforted at this knowledge.

I took a moment to analize Miles. He was older, late forties with gray hair that was silver and brown eyes that were like melted chocolate. Tall and lean, he still had strong and steady hands as he looked over my face and flashed a light in my eyes. This man gave off a fatherly figure vibe, one that made one feel like they could spill their secrets to and he would give advice. I instantly like this man and pitied him for the next and last question I had to ask.

"How many died?" My voice was a whisper as I locked eyes with Mile's hovering face close to mine. A face splitting grin spread acrost his composure.

"That's what you've been worried about? None dear, there weren't any casualties of our own. Only injuries. We were able to save them all." Happiness coursed through my body and without knowing so, I reached out and gripped Miles so me.

"Thankyou." I whispered into his ear. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes and three distinctive chuckles filled the room.

Everything was going to be okay, and for that I was eternally grateful to the moon goddess for.

The three of my visitors soon took their leave and left me to ponder the moon goddess's meaning.

Thinking of her brought back the memory of our talk. What in the world did she mean by learn to love? I do love. My pack, Axel, the children, I love them all. For some reason I don't think she was talking about them though.

"Time will tell, but promise me something please." Mica's voice infiltrated my train of thought.

"Anything." I was curious as to what she wanted but knew I would do anything for my wolf.

"Listen to what I tell you, when the time comes you have to listen to me. No matter what. I know how you get Necalli. You get angry and then your like a bull. Your way or no way. Trust me please. Otherwise we will become seperated. I don't want that to happened, and neither do you." Mica's voice was laced with concern. Her words were as puzzling as the goddess's. I tried to ask her more about what she meant but my wolf curled up in the back corner of my mind and closed off our connection.


"YOU WHAT?!" I screamed at Brian. He's lucky that there was a desk in between us or his throat would be in my hands right now.

We were in my office the next day and Brian decided to tell me now that they took a captive during the war.

"Do you have any idea what this means? How careless you have been in this decision. He could be of rank. Or worse! A spy! He could be filtering information back to Bane through a pack link as we speak! He injured our pack members. ARE YOU INSANE!" My anger had reached its peak. My vision turned red and I felt Mica surfacing, trying to calm me down. Brian stepped back and lowered his head.

"I'm sorry Alpha. I did not have a choice in the matter."

"What do you mean you DIDN'T have a choice!? You are Beta. When I am out of commission YOU ARE IN CHARGE!" My voice rose with the furiousity I felt at the moment.

"The men were collecting the dead for the pire. They came across him on the field. He was still breathing and had already begun the healing process. By the time they got him back here he was almost conscious. They couldn't kill him in cold blood. He's also been asking for you" My rage had simmered into a slow boil. I couldn't be angry with my men for having morals.

"Why?" My question seemed to catch him off guard. As well as my calmer composure.

"I don't know, he won't say. As soon as he regained consciousness he was asking for your well being. Wanting to know if you were awake yet and how you were doing. It's been nonstop the last three days. Like he's genuinly concerned."

This confused me more then ever and I was shell shocked to say the least. Why would a pack member be concerned for an enemy pack's Alpha?

Duhhh duhh duhhhh. :D I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As always, I love you all!

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