Parish By My Hands

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My name is Necalli, I'm five feet and seven inches tall, athletic build, long black hair, and golden brown eyes. To an outsider I look like a semi-pretty unsuspecting girl. Someone that you wouldn't think to be a threat. It makes me chuckle when people don't see me for the true danger that I am. Even when other werewolves see me the first thing that comes to mind is "omega". Not "Alpha".

For those of you who don't know, an omega is someone in a pack that has no special rank or ability. In other words most people think "weak" or "ordinary".

But I'm not most people. I think it's time for a story. So like every great story, it starts with, Once upon and time.

Once upon a time, there was a king and queen who lived in happiness and love. The kingdom around them prospered and grew with every laugh the trees bore witness to. The king and queen fought many battles together over the ages, winning them all. They fought for freedom of their people and peace. One day peace was accomplished, and they decided that they wanted a child to share their kingdom with. Someone to give the throne to, to keep the balance and peace forever. After many moons the queen announced her good fortune, she was pregnant with a child. The kingdom cheered and celebrated for three days, thanking the moon goddess they worshipped for blessing their queen.

On the third night of cheers, the queen was visited in a dream by their goddess. The goddess rode over the sky on the back of her wolf lover on the way to visit the werewolves's queen. The goddess spoke with love and tenderness telling a story as old and forgotten as Father Time. The goddess spoke of a wolf that was so white in fur it was as if its body was dipped in snow. She spoke of how she created one hundred souls in eons past that carried the white coat with them. She stated that these wolves were one of a kind in their time. Only one was born every six generations. This wolf was to be more powerful than any who tried to overthrow their rulings. For the rulings they gave were to be the word of the goddess herself.

These white wolves were warriors. Created and sculpted to deal with earthly matters on behalf of the goddess for she cannot be in the physical realm. The goddess spoke to the queen and told her that war would break out once again. Bigger and bloodier than the queen and king had ever faced before. The goddess told the queen that she would give birth to the new white wolf and to protect her at all costs. There were many dangers that would try to take the baby and use her for evil. The girls life would hold many evils, deceptions, and treacherous times. The goddess left the queen that night but not before telling her that the queens daughter would be her greatest accomplishment so far. The girl would live to do great things. And then, the goddess vanished.

The queen rushed out of her beds to the king. Consulting deep into the night on what to do. That night my mother and father left their thrones to the second in command. They left with their daughter still tucked warm inside her mother's stomach. And they were never seen by their kingdom again.

So my tale started out pretty good. But then some other stuff happened and then some worse stuff happened. And now I'm here. With hundreds of wolves in the middle of the woods. I was left without my parents guidance at a young age. Very young actually.

My parents were Alpha and Luna of a pack in West Virginia. The Silver Blood pack was given to the second in command and his mate to govern. My parents had trusted the Beta with their lives, unfortunately. They trusted them with my life as well. That night they confided their dream to Aaron, the trusted Beta before they left. Turns out that Aaron became filled with want and greed.

My dad always said that greed did strange things to people. Arron changed instantaneously, becoming corrupted and cruel to his pack. The pack was given a choice, follow Aaron and hunt their once beloved rulers or go rouge and leave the pack. They all chose to stay. He planned an attack on my parents and I, after they gave up their rank and went to search for refuge.

Aaron fell in league with a neighboring rival pack. The Night Walkers. Now that's a pack with a reputation filled with blood, hate, and rivers of tears. I'm not speaking figuratively. I mean it literally.

Anyways, you could probably guess the next part. Aaron and the Alpha of the Night Walkers, Bane, had tracked down our little family of three. It took them years to find us, but everything comes to an end. Everything.

(Remember that for later.)

The two of them brought their entire packs with them that night. They trapped my defenseless parents and slaughtered them in front of me. I was six at that time. My mom Carol and father Raymond hid me away up in a tall tree so the wolves wouldn't catch my sent. From that day on I had vowed to kill every last one of both the Night Walkers and the Silver Bloods pack.

I will have my revenge and they will parish at my hands.

Let me know what you guys think :)

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