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There are no possible ways to discribe one person in a short sentence. But here it goes. I am a warrior. Simple as that, right? Well...maybe not, but bear with me while I explain.

Hundreds of rouge werewolves count on me for their survival each day. Four hundred and twenty-one at the moment, and the number steadily climbs as days pass. You see, rouges by nature are vicious uncontrolable beasts. Their wolves take control of their human form and they loose all of their morality and they lose the vital part of themselves that makes them human. They survive purely on instinct in the wild. Hunt. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

Now to understand the mechanics of all this, you need to know about packs wolves also. Packs are groups of werewolves bound together by one leader. That leader is called an Alpha. He or she is looked to for guidance, they're the first to present their people in a fight, and they are to supervise and care for the people following them. Pack wolves are rather harmless under normal circumstances, they stick to themselves. There's occasionally the Alpha here and there that gets greedy and then war breaks out over land disputes,  but mostly the waters are calm.

Now when a wolf goes rogue they will roam free without delays or conflicts but once they happen upon another pack's territory it becomes a blood bath. A rouge will feel threatened by the large numbers of the pack and instinct tells the wolf to take the territory for themselves. Which will then lead to the rouge dying. Because let's face it. One rouge against a whole pack- that usually averages from one hundred to five hundred wolves. Not going to work. The Alphas have to protect their wolves, so unfortunately the threat is quickly eliminated.

There is a stage between the transition from a pack wolf to a rouge where werewolves can choose to give into their spirit wolf's form or choose to join another pack. When I say spirit wolf's form that's when you get the basic wild instincts with no human thought. The human basically dies and all that's left is the wolf form within to roam free. And when I say joining another pack I don't just mean any other pack, a wolf is very seldom accepted into a new pack after being banned from a past one. But that's where I come in. I give these wolves a place to go to. I give them their second chance at life.

My job is to keep my rouges safe and strong. I take in new rouges every day because their packs didn't want them. They were either beaten, bloodied, rejected by their mates, or just trying to escape from their past lives. There are the occasional few who were banished for crimes but we have a zero tolerance here. When I accept them into my pack they have a new purpose in life. Their wolves are subdued and they can retain their human forms under the law of a new Alpha. Just like they would in a normal pack. Don't get me wrong though, even though we've not given into our spirit wolves we still have tempers. We still have our problems like everyone else. But we're fierce, loyal and we take care of our own.

The rouges that I collect have not yet given up on their humanity. They want to live. Yeah, they may be vicious, and yeah, there may be a few hiccups but everyone deserves a second chance. I provide a pack and a family for them, giving them a way out of becoming bloodthirsty monsters. I can't save them all, but that doesn't mean that I don't try.

You may be asking how one eighteen year old werewolf girl can lead all of these rouges, and keep them from killing eachother, and anyone they see at every second of the day. I still ask myself that too. I guess we'll just have to find out together when you begin my story.

Ok so this is just the prologue. I'm going to try to post at least every Sunday. Love you all lol. Private message me if you find any mistakes please. And feel free to vote!!!! :)

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