There's Power In Numbers. Sometimes.

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Brian's point of view

I shifted into my russet colored wolf to howl the cry of victory with my Alpha. Necalli fell to the ground, all of her strength being spent on the fight that just took place. Her beautiful white fur was now a burgundy red color from the blood that flowed freely from the open wounds that covered her body. Necalli had spent all her energy fighting that idiot, causing her body to heal at a slower rate than what it should. I watched as my Alpha and best friend, sunk to the ground. Her body hit the ground with a thumping noise and her muscles visibly relaxed as exhaustion was rapidly taking over. Necalli rested her snout on her two front paws, closing her eyes to rest.

My wolf Drake was whining at me to go take care of her. During the fight we were fighting for control over each other. I had to rein him in because Drake nearly came unraveled at the sight of our Alpha's blood. We are, and always will be overly protective of Calli. Ever since the day I found her.


I was in a small pack of rouges, traveling through the woods when I heard rustling in a tree above me. The pack smelt the blood and were drawn to the scene. I brushed aside the sound for a moment as I took in the bloodbath before us. I was shell shocked. I had never witnessed the aftermath of something so horrible.

The noise came again and I looked up to investigate. I thought she was a bird at first. When I tried to climb up she jumped on me. Making us both fall to the groung. We scrambled to our feet and stared at each other for hours it seemed like. Then. All of a sudden. She punched me! Gave me a good black eye too. I still laugh when I think about it.

Calli saw what she did. She had the funniest look on her face like she was horrified of what she'd done. And then she burst out crying. Fell to the ground sobbing. From that moment on I knew that I was meant to protect her until I die. So what did I do? I held her until she passed out in my arms. We've been together since then.

I guess you could say we were a special case, my wolf and I. Normally a male wolf would have left and moved on by now to find their soul mate - two wolves that are blessed by the moon goddess to fit in each other's lives perfectly. Mine was ripped out of my arms when she was attacked by rouges.

I left for a year to be with my mate and we joined the local pack that rules over a town we lived in at the time. Rouges attacked and she was caught in the cross fire. These rouges weren't like the White Moon's. They had given up their humanity. Bloodthirsty monsters set on causing pain and sorrow.

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