Publisher's Note

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By our current state of things, it is still with our greatest pleasure that we can provide our faithful subscribers to things most highly satiable for a leisure time which among others: the greatest discoveries of a person's ever-evolving life. We cannot say that this is our greatest contribution to the life of the publishing industry for we cannot bear the shame of years passed when we put our mind and heart to get a license to publish this memoir of a person's life.

But here we are with a great smile upon our faces - despite the great editorship we had experienced with this publication - to announce you the unexpected first-hand accounts of the life of one writer of a rising family of the Axii and of the branch Reguli and whose name was known in his ever-raising circle of friends as Caeso.

We cannot reveal you much more of his identity for it is to him alone this book exist as a stage where he can unravels his life in whatever manner he finds most comfortable.

We bide you with much honour and gratitude, in advance,

Cognomittium, 1893

Magister Scipio

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