Chapter I: About Those Terrible Spiders

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Hydaermissia, Day VI, Month I, MDCCCXII.

Contrary to the belief of many about those terrible spiders, I have found many things to relish myself in with them after a just observation of one this morning. To whom may be concerned, I am not afraid of spiders but I am most disgusted by them. Those eight legs may crawl all over the world for all I care but five feet from me which from where I can see them clearly and thus will try to convince one of my eminent caretakers to burn the places where I sighted one. A dreadful tragedy that occurred almost five years ago, in the spring of 1807 left me with not an option but to be scarred by these servants of the king of the worms whom I was told to be of five metres in height and whose teeth I believe are as white as coals by the facts that he cannot brush his teeth with any of his wonderful hands.

Bravery seems to be the most prevalent of my code of conducts these days that I will myself to approach one and see for myself such a lively abomination. The object of my brave and dark desire was on one of my mother's beautiful windows that was made by a very bright and always smiling lord of all furnitures, Mr Orca. This terrific specimen that I encountered however was of a kind I have never encountered in all my life. Or, it was just that I have never noticed them before because of my generalised disgust.

That one is of small proportion and I noticed right away, eye-like features on top of its tiny head gazing from one direction to another in a very unique way as though it realises thoroughly all things around it. It moves as if inspecting all the things that exist and finally, as though the sounds of thunders give way to the golden roads to the heavens, its eyes rested on my resolute face of bravery. It inspects it as though it recognises my face as a face! Such wonders were unknown to me until now and I was too embarrassed to say to its face-like face head-on that I thoroughly like it. I then began to wonder how to recognise one as either a male or a female but I proceed to fail in identifying one that is in front of me.

However, that one is very jumpy and my bravery becomes very shaky as soon as it jumped directly into my right hand. I then proceed to let out a manly shout as a result of such an action and I tried to hold it in when it jumped, maybe in surprise, to my embracing left. Another fifteen seconds ensued, a new record in my new spider-watching career before it decided to jumped to the ground and intellectually disappeared behind a black table nearby.

People! Bravery is at hand and now it invades me most beautifully. After such a life-changing moment passes by, I decided to manly walked rather fast through the hallway that leads to my room and here now I have presented above, and still commenting now on my life's most miraculous recent spectacle. I am pleased to grant you, my delusion's future readers, that I have just survived an encounter with the king of the worms' evil minion.

Oh, and I am also pleased to tell you that my journey to my two weeks' mark of whether I will continue this routine or to transform again to a sleeping snail is officially started!

Sincerely Yours,


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