Chapter I: The Empress-Grandmother and The New Tutor

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Hydaermissia, Day XI, Month I, MDCCCXII.

It is with great pleasure that I tell you that on this very beautiful day, my deity-like grandmother has decided to grace my family with her presence which is as bright as the unmoving north star. It is the kind that cannot be put to words, the joy that I feel every time I greet her smiling from outside the main gates is and happy I am now, knowing that my grandmother is in the midst of our small family, huddled inside while the snow still falls in tears of pale beauty in this current afternoon.

It is also with great joy that I can tell you how delicious her omelettes are. She is so skilful in them that the chickens will be ashamed to not offer their unborn offspring to her magical hands and let the yellows and white of their future descendants be devoured by the mouths of grateful children. Along with such spectacle, my grandmother also brings with her a very delicious home-made cake of such a texture that Rufus the Barber and his wife will surely jump in joy and offer us all their masterpieces as willing tributes. As such, from the earliest days of my life, I have declared to all my siblings that our grandmother is the empress of all dishes that was formed from the condensation of all recipes at the beginning of time and has decided to materialise from the supreme dimension after she heard of the great brilliance of my writer grandfather and of the birth of Mr Rufus' wife who she has granted to our native city and to us for the joy of me, my siblings and unnamed children of our neighbourhood.

I truly believe that my conjecture is perfect because, over the course of five years, that is from the time I was eight, my grandmother's skill is not only diminished but become more advanced and complex. Such a fact is beyond my wildest imagination that I refused to acknowledge that her entire being is not formed from the greatest combination of books on cooking mastery compiled from 10,000 generations ago.

Along with those ageless creations, my grandmother also brought with her, my aunt which is identical to my mother's other siblings in that they are never bored with the constancy of their daily life that it is truly a great feat on its own.

Anyway, It is truly surprising to know that our new tutor, handsome Mr Sulpicius Lucius, was of, roughly, the same description as the one that I have just written last afternoon and I dare to say that the look on the face of good Magister Aemilius Magnus has never been more pleasing to the eyes than the one I just witnessed this morning. But contrary to my nature of chaotic order and despite my willingness to observe and concern myself over future conflicts, I do not wish the two or one of the two to engage in superficial fights in the coming days and I have succeeded in pursuing my nagging mother to make them amicably engaged with each other in a local coffee house whose latest menu I am thoroughly enjoyed with all of my being. I hope that the friendly banter that may have been created is worth the one free day I have created for me and my siblings that saw me received the pleasure of becoming the sole king of the fishes from midday until just after the sunset.

The pleasure of being the only king was as such that I was able to usher all my siblings inside my mother's study where I find another chance to observe one of the more docile minions of the king of the worms there that was, fortunately to my cause, very similar to the one I encountered days ago. It was very pleasing to saw the agitated look that my brother, Venox, supported throughout the fifteen minutes moment when I successfully explain to them all the nature of this very spider. This time, the spider was more surprising than the last in that it was completely good-natured and not as jumpy as the last one. The joy I was feeling throughout my body at that time when I realised that I continued to let the being settled on my palm without my bravery wavering was so glorious that after the course is finished I ordered my siblings to gather with my grandmother in the front lobby of our house where she and my mother conversed and convinced them to took us to the back room and made for us biscuits of many shapes and tastes.

As I was the sole king of the day, I decided to suggest the shape of that unique spider to be put into her creations and so it was, with the artful help and instructions that I gave to my good-natured grandmother, on our first day on the earth, we ate a great number of delicious cookies shaped into terrific spiders that I surely hope cure me enough to befriend not just one kind but many of them, and even, with my intentions in mind, befriend that horrid king of the worms for my grandmother's domination over the entire culinary world!

Now with that in mind and with a new interest I have in flags, it is good that as fast as possible, I can design masterfully one such flag for the upcoming dominion of my grandmother's culinary empire where hopefully I will be stylised as His Honourable, Duke-Minister of the Land of the Omelettes and Islands of the Sponge Cakes!

Truthfully Yours,


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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