Chapter 6 A Call To Action

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Chapter 6

The shimmering rim of the portal began to shrink smaller and smaller at a rapid rate as the mighty green wizard crossed through. The portal closed leaving the pretend giant in the southern regions of night elf territory.

He now stood at the border lands to the south of the Shadow Glade Peninsula, a place where many a night elf gave thier lives to defend the dence fungal utopia. A place of chaos and danger as many creatures of various shapes and sizes lurk around these lands.

When Zangar entered the portal he stood just several yards away from a night elf sentinel outpost. A crude rampart was erected from the earth to form a defensive wall against any unknown threats. (With the exception of flying creatures or beings large enough to simply smash through it)

And seeing that they were still in the woodland parts of the land, there were multiple tall trees above the army camp that would serve was watch posts for any hostile factions coming thier way.

Zangar approached the thick wooden rampart and looked up at the guards standing on top of the splintery wall.

"Halt!" One of the guards said calling down to the wizard.

"State your business here warrior."

In response, Zangar let out an intimidating call as he replied to the elf.

"Have you no respect for the council that you mistake a man of my stature as a mere peon!?" He said with a deep growl. "I am Lord Zangar! Soul protector of the borderlands and right hand man of the mistress herself! I have been sent here to plan a defence of the borderlands by command of the mistress! I demand you let me in this instant!" He bellowed as he stabbed his staff onto the earth with a flash of green light.

He didn't have to finish his speech for the guard to realize that he had offended a high Ranking member of the elven council
Intimidated to the core the elf guard stepped down from the rampart and went to open the front gate immediately. The two wooden doors slowly creaked open as several elves pulled on the massive handle on the inside of the gate.

Zangar stepped though the gate, and gave a sinister glare at the elf guard that offended him before. He wasn't really offended by the elf. But he had to keep his reputation of feer in tact if he was to survive in the Shadow Glades. The elf swallowed his saliva in feer of the titanic warrior, and stood at the gate nervously as Zangar went by. Five to six elves then pushed on the gate door to close it after Zangar was safely inside the fort.

On his way to the meeting hall, another elf stumbled into his path. A high Ranking elf of the border guard had caught up to him to update the wizard of the current situation.

"Commander Zangar, thank the gods you are here!" The lieutenant began. "We have news of the impending threat to our people coming up from the south. The enemy has halted at the borders of the Shadow Glades."

"Very good." Zangar said as the two of them walked down the path to the meeting hall. "Tell me, have the other local commanders arrived yet?" Zangar asked.

"Yes my lord They arrived just this morning." The lieutenant replied.

"We have all been waiting for you to arrive to begin the war council."

"Then we best not keep them waiting." Zangar said as picked up his pace as to pass the lieutenant.

As they walked through the army camp he could see several squads of elven soldiers preparing for battle. Archers practicing their aim at a shooting range. Elite guards armed with elven halberds practiced standing in formation and opening combat moves. Footmen we're sparring with one another in preparation for the coming dwarven armies. All around the camp warriors both men and women buzzed around the scene like a swarm of bees in a hive.

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