Chapter 8 March On Kallious

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Chapter 8

A day had come and gone Sence Volondove's return. the elves had been preparing themselves for departure all through the night and many have become weary before they had even begun their quest.

Elven scouts have taken turns watching the surrounding area in preparation for an attack.

Volondove had been hard at work all night as well. He had conjuring proper elven weapons, some requiring more skill to wield than others, and armor and provisions for his small army of volunteers.

That's when Lamir approached him to check on his progress.

"How goes the forming of an army lad?"
He asked as he grew closer. He could see the bags under his eyes as they looked like they could collapse at any moment.

"Well I had a couple setbacks. But it's going pretty well I would say." Volondove replied as he cast a conjuration spell. With a flash of lime green light a brand new elven short sword fell from his hands to the ground.

"How is it commander?" Volondove asked a former elf lieutenant as he requested an inspection of his creation. He picked it up by the blade and handed it to the elf. The commander picked it up and gave a couple swings through the air.

"That's another weapon ready for use my Eam." The commander said.

"Are you alright boy?" Lamir asked referring to the bags under his eyes. "You look like you haven't slept for weeks."

"Yeah, I was up all night making weapons and food for the coalition." Volondove replied as he started conjuring a helmet right away.

"Don't worry about it Lamir. I have done this kind of thing before. Well, kind of. I have never supplied my own private army before but I can go a couple days without proper rest anyways."

"Are you sure you don't need a break?" Lamir asked. "We can always scavenge the human kingdoms for weapons if this becomes too much for you."

"I am sure Lamir. I am fine." Volondove replied. "The demons aren't going to wait around for us to get ready to meet them and neither should we."

"Alright, if you insist." Lamir said with hesitation and concern for Volondove's decision to keep pushing through.

"By the way. How much equipment have you created so far?" He asked.

While the sun was beginning to rise, lamir had rallied up the people as quickly as he could. Volondove had requested a head count of his volunteer army last night so he could know how much stuff to make.

"Well that depends, have you finished the head count yet?" Volondove asked eager to leave. "How many people do we have so far?"

"There is a grand total of three hundred and fifty two elves by your side." Lamir replied.

"Good, we should have just enough supplies for this army. For now anyways." Volondove said.

"Very good volondove." Lamir said. "Vexellion would be most impressed with you're determination."

"Are the people ready for battle?" Volondove asked. As the helmet he was conjuring fell to the ground.

"They have been preparing for the departure all night." Lamir replied.

"They just need to get your weapons and they will be ready to leave. Though we should get the goods to the people as quickly as possible. That flash of light you created last night would attract any demon within a hundred miles from here. We should expect some demon attackers any minute."

"Then there isn't a moment to lose." Volondove said handing the helmet to the commander.

"Alright then. Let's get these people armed." He said leaping up to his feet.

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